Conversion from 'px to SX/B
·Hello all,
·· I have a couple of projects which are up and running using the BS2px. I'd like to try the same·project using the SX28 and SX/B.
·· Is anyone up for the challenge of converting the attached code to SX/B?
·· I'm willing to pay for the service and it would get me through a busy time. If you're interested, just PM me.
·· As for the attached files, they're all part of the same project. Put them into a folder and load "viper_control_px_main" first.
·· Thanks,
· Tom Sisk
Tom Sisk
·· I have a couple of projects which are up and running using the BS2px. I'd like to try the same·project using the SX28 and SX/B.
·· Is anyone up for the challenge of converting the attached code to SX/B?
·· I'm willing to pay for the service and it would get me through a busy time. If you're interested, just PM me.
·· As for the attached files, they're all part of the same project. Put them into a folder and load "viper_control_px_main" first.
·· Thanks,
· Tom Sisk
Tom Sisk