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Clear PAL50 is finally a reality — Parallax Forums

Clear PAL50 is finally a reality

BaggersBaggers Posts: 3,019
edited 2009-04-11 11:40 in Propeller 1
Hi All,
Full PAL50 finally achieved lol
Can't believe how simple it was after getting PAL60 sorted rofl.
Anyways, enjoy.
the archive is Parallax's graphics demo modified, oh so very slightly in tv.spin, and·I have demo/protoboard setup initially un-block-rem'd Hybrid is in there too,
I've not attached Hydra because the mouse driver is different, but it's easy enough to change.


again, let me know if it works on all your PAL TV's ( which it should [noparse]:)[/noparse] )



  • ColeyColey Posts: 1,110
    edited 2008-01-10 21:03
    Nice work Baggers, I knew you'd get there in the end!

    It works fine on all my PAL tv's (but you already knew that didn't you! lol)


  • BaggersBaggers Posts: 3,019
    edited 2008-01-10 21:04
    Somehow I had an incling it would lol [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    Cheers matey.

  • Mike_GTNMike_GTN Posts: 106
    edited 2008-01-10 22:11
    Wow - You've got real PAL coming out of the Propeller? This if so will be the catch of 2008 already.


  • deSilvadeSilva Posts: 2,967
    edited 2008-01-10 22:20
    Is this the right TV.SPIN in the ZIP?
  • ColeyColey Posts: 1,110
    edited 2008-01-10 22:23
    Hi deSilva,

    Yes that should be the right one, we have it working here nice and stable

    What kind of output are you getting?
  • ClemensClemens Posts: 236
    edited 2008-01-10 22:31
    works absolutely fine on my tv. Again thank you - this should definitely replace the tv.spin in the propeller library for the next version of the propeller tool if nobody experiences any problems.
  • deSilvadeSilva Posts: 2,967
    edited 2008-01-10 22:50
    Well it behaved as the original version smile.gif I made a lot of tests with changing "lpal" myself - monthes ago - and got more or less unsatisfactory results at all of my 2 monitors and the 600x800 beamer I checked it on. I use NTSC only from that time on.

    Apart from the color a main nuissance with PAL is the non-matching number of lines of PAL and of low cost screens, which yields noticeable inferiour results by the skipping of each 5th line. This is most likely different with full blown TV sets, but those are not my output targets smile.gif
  • ColeyColey Posts: 1,110
    edited 2008-01-10 23:03
    It's frustrating for you I'm sure but we are keen to get PAL 50 usable on as many different display types as we can.
    I have some small LCD monitors (5 & 7 Inches) at work, I will try them tomorrow and post the results.


  • BaggersBaggers Posts: 3,019
    edited 2008-01-10 23:06
    Cheers guys, thanks for all your feedback so far, any more PAL users please reply also, as I'd like this test to be on as many tv's as possible, although the feedback so far is very good news all round [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    Thanks again,

  • Mike_GTNMike_GTN Posts: 106
    edited 2008-01-10 23:21
    I think we need to bear in mind a few issues when talking about feeding a PAL composite signal in to the average Television set in our houses. The actual television does many compensations (depending on the internal circuits employed) each and almost every TV will provide different results. In the same sense a television is a totally forgiving object, Video Monitors as well to different levels. I've just made a somewhat non technical test and fed the output into both a Betacam SP and DVCAM video deck. The resulting output is not good, and is I still believe still a pseudo PAL output. I very much doubt you will get to total UK specs. The hardware within the chip is the real stumbling block.

    Just my thoughts, certainly don't wish to take away work already done.


  • ColeyColey Posts: 1,110
    edited 2008-01-11 00:21
    @ Mike_GTN

    I would agree with that Mike, we aren't trying to do the defacto standard PAL display just to make it usable on as many displays as we can.

    We must remember that the Propeller is only a microcontroller, a very capable one I admit, but, video generation isn't it's primary function.

    I really think this has got a long way to go before we are all 100% happy, me included...

    It's very helpful having someone like yourself available to test things on a professional level though! smile.gif

    One thing is for sure, if we keep working on it bit by bit, we will get there in the end!


  • CardboardGuruCardboardGuru Posts: 443
    edited 2008-01-11 01:40
    It displays OK on the Hydra and my TV set.

    I see the change was to change lpal to the nearest multiple of 16. Which the comment implies it should have been anyway.

    There's still room for improvement in that single horizontal pixels aren't even, and so display colour artifacts. You can see this on the blue lines that are nearly vertical. Different sections are different shared of blue. I found this when playing with my own TV driver, and the solution is to make hx=16 rather than 10. (To compensate you also have to reduce x_tiles from 16 to 10, or it'll be too wide to display)

    The resultant hack is a rather lopsided display because something isn't calculating the borders correctly, but consistently coloured single pixels. The pixels are wider than in your demo, and thus the max horizontal resolution will be lower. But still higher than an equally correct NTSC display.

    Help to build the Propeller wiki -
    Play Defender - Propeller version of the classic game
    Prop Room Robotics - my web store for Roomba spare parts in the UK
  • hippyhippy Posts: 1,981
    edited 2008-01-11 03:20
    Worked okay for me ( no mouse ). Some very slight left-to-right shake, not visible unless right up against
    the screen but no noted strobing, same solid quality as for the PAL60 graphics demo.

    PAL50 TV_Text would be the real test for me. PAL60 TV_Text had atrocious strobing.
  • BaggersBaggers Posts: 3,019
    edited 2008-01-11 09:36
    Cheers for the feedback guys [noparse]:D[/noparse]
  • Mike_GTNMike_GTN Posts: 106
    edited 2008-01-11 14:59
    I don't wish to slight any attempts that are on going to make images look better for us people that see "PAL" as a pretty decent standard already. I spent 15 years as a bench engineer working for a UK TV broadcaster. I have a reasonable feeling for when a picture is just plain wrong.


  • simonlsimonl Posts: 866
    edited 2008-01-11 15:49
    So Mike, are you saying that - in your professional opinion - this driver is better or worse than the Parallax TV.spin driver? I've not tried this one (yet), but your comments have confused me [noparse][[/noparse]tho' that's not hard LOL].


    You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again ;-)
    BTW: I type as I'm thinking, so please don't take any offense at my writing style smile.gif
  • BaggersBaggers Posts: 3,019
    edited 2008-01-11 16:00
    Mike, No offence taken, I've worked with broadcast HD for a good few years now, and with CG film artists, to the point where it has spoilt most films for me, as even the slightest of inaccuracies in the lighting of a real life scene and the CG overlays is easily picked up and kinda ruins the magic of the movie for me, even to the point that now even my wife can see, as she once asked me how can you tell, so I showed her too, and she now has the same problem when watching movies.
    Also, this was one of the reasons we cancelled SKY because of their horrific attempt to squeeze as many channels as possible, into their bandwidth, to the point that most of the channels are appalling to watch as the picture quality due to their heavy use of overcompression made watching anything and enjoying it totally impossible. [noparse]:([/noparse] so yeah, I know when something is just plain wrong too, but with what we're given, it's just about the best it's gonna get, without extra hardware.

    LOL Simon, This driver is better than the original Parallax TV.spin, because I've just fixed what must have been a slight oversight in their data entry, not forgetting they probably didn't have a PAL tv to test it with. maybe who knows, either way, it's about as good as it'll get, comparable to the stability of it's NTSC output.
  • CardboardGuruCardboardGuru Posts: 443
    edited 2008-01-11 16:22
    Mike, you seem to be on a different quest than the rest of us.

    You're wanting a good PAL reference signal - something the Propeller is never going to give. The rest of us just want a clearer, higher resolution display on our TVs than was previously available. That it works on PAL TVs is the important thing, not whether the waveform complies to the spec. Of course given the choice it'd be nice to be absolutely on spec, but if you're playing a game, or using a propeller console, or whatever, the only thing that matters is how good the image appears, not how close to the spec it is.

    If you're wanting us to agree with you that the propeller will never produce a perfectly PAL image, you've got it. We already know that.

    Help to build the Propeller wiki -
    Play Defender - Propeller version of the classic game
    Prop Room Robotics - my web store for Roomba spare parts in the UK
  • BaggersBaggers Posts: 3,019
    edited 2008-01-11 16:25
    You got it in one CG we all know it'll never be TV Broadcast quality ( although I'd rather watch the propeller than Sky's attempt anyday lol ) but for games, it's SPOT on, as long as there's no dot crawl, or whatever you want to call it, it's perfect for retro games.
    especially since the retro consoles also were never "perfect" and some even had dot crawl [noparse]:)[/noparse]
  • Mike_GTNMike_GTN Posts: 106
    edited 2008-01-11 17:01
    Great guys, but then catch this one Would I wish to develop a project around this chip and tell people generates PAL. Forget about it being broadcast quality for a second. No just a device that generates good honest PAL would be good enough for me. People have very different views of what is broadcast quailty anyway.

  • CardboardGuruCardboardGuru Posts: 443
    edited 2008-01-11 17:12
    I think it really depends on what your field is. If you are working in TV or video related industries, then the Prop output isn't going to cut it. But where you just need some TV output for an application, then the only real need is that it works, producing a decent quality image. Baggers and Coley are mainly interested in games and the like, so high conformance to spec doesn't matter, only that it works and is visibly as good as it can be.

    They've definitely improved the image quality on the standard TV driver for PAL. That's a good thing. In fact a very good thing as the standard driver was awful for PAL.

    Help to build the Propeller wiki -
    Play Defender - Propeller version of the classic game
    Prop Room Robotics - my web store for Roomba spare parts in the UK
  • ColeyColey Posts: 1,110
    edited 2008-01-11 17:20
    I can see where Mike is coming from here and I did say as much in my previous post.

    This project still has a long way to go, we want to develop the driver to get the best possible picture, PAL or NTSC out of this great little chip.

    That means we need feedback, be it good, bad or indifferent, it all helps to nudge us along the way.

    Our driving force for this, is that we want to produce a commercial product and the PAL output at the moment isn't quite there - yet!

    It will be, given a bit of time, effort and plenty of testing and feedback!

    I now know that if I can get Mike happy with the output then it is commercially viable!

  • BaggersBaggers Posts: 3,019
    edited 2008-01-11 17:38
    Coley, waiting for Mike to be happy with the prop's PAL output might be setting your sites a tad too high there matey [noparse]:)[/noparse]
  • QuattroRS4QuattroRS4 Posts: 916
    edited 2008-01-11 18:03
    Well IMO - shed loads better than before ..nice one !


    'Necessity is the mother of invention'
  • ColeyColey Posts: 1,110
    edited 2008-01-11 18:15
    yeah.gif Thanks, John! yeah.gif


  • hippyhippy Posts: 1,981
    edited 2008-01-11 19:15
    Mike makes a good point : What are the criteria for saying a Propeller-based product is
    "PAL" ?

    That answer can only definitively come from a measure of the video signal set against what
    "the PAL specification" ( whatever/wherever that is ) states makes for PAL compatibility and

    A less rigorous answer comes from looking at it another way - If a PAL compliant TV does
    not correctly display non-PAL ( shows NTSC as noise or nothing, rolls on PAL60, isn't near
    rock-steady on-screen, has lines missing or things which should be there are not ) then what
    it is receiving is "not PAL". Conversely, if it does work it can colloquially be called PAL or be
    said to be in the right ballpark. IMO, quality of rendered image is a different issue, even if
    quality is a part of the official PAL specification ( I don't know ).

    On that front, I'm pleased to report that my Citizen handheld LCD TV, which didn't work with
    NTSC nor PAL60 does work with the driver here, showing what I'd expect.

    I'd therefore call both the Parallax 'PAL Driver' and what this driver gives "PAL", with this driver
    having the edge in quality of result.

    I'd therefore say either driver could be 'sold' as "PAL". Whether acceptable quality PAL to meet
    a customer's statisfaction and expectations being a separate issue. For a customer who cared
    more than whether something displayed on his PAL screen, I would say the Parallax driver may
    not meet customer expectations whereas this driver is more likely to. But this is a very subjective
    matter. I'd certainly be more happier with "PAL output" on the advertising flyer with this driver.

    I'd still like to see the equivalent TV_Text to see how that fares, but appreciate there are other
    things in people's lives and I'm not the sole concern.

    Perhaps the best way of putting it, in my words, is, "this driver delivers something which most PAL
    using end-users would have very little, if anything, to whinge about".
  • BaggersBaggers Posts: 3,019
    edited 2008-01-11 19:55
    Thanks hippy [noparse]:)[/noparse] nice post.
  • Mike_GTNMike_GTN Posts: 106
    edited 2008-01-11 19:59
    Great guys, but then catch this one Would I wish to develop a project around this chip and tell people generates PAL. Forget about it being broadcast quality for a second. No just a device that generates good honest PAL would be good enough for me. People have very different views of what is broadcast quailty anyway. People also have different views on what is a good or bad picture.
    @Baggers... Yeah I should have tried to Copyright the phrase "Plain Wrong" I've let this one fly.

    I would be very intrerested to hear more from the designers of this Micro about the NTSC/PAL issues. I'm pleased that they are coming to the surface. I don't wish to turn this in to an all out fight between UK/Euro users of this device. Let no one be surprised
    however when the Propeller does not see a big market share within the UK. Everything else is there. I'm personally not interested if it's for a retro gaming market, or as a more general device. If it tells me within the specs that the device does PAL video ouput
    I'd like PAL video output (Not to some bizzare standard however), I don't want to jump through hoops to get almost there. Perhaps the Propeller II should almost do "NTSC" with weeks and months of messing around. Please Parallax see this is an issue to your European and other customers. Dot crawl.... dot crawl who on earth is shouting that smile.gif You should use NTSC instead as
    is 99% there.


  • QuattroRS4QuattroRS4 Posts: 916
    edited 2008-01-11 20:25
    Mike_GTN said...
    Let no one be surprised however when the Propeller does not see a big market share within the UK.

    .. Mike - I don't believe this to be entirely true -'EDIT: The more I think of it - it is simply·NOT the case.'·I for one have used the Propeller in various applications - and I firmly believe that this will not adversely affect the euro/uk market ... put simply the Propeller has a lot more to it than just Pal (albeit Quasi Pal) .. There have been a number of posts where frequencies were tweaked to get a 'satisfactory' pal image.

    This IC Punches well above its weight in terms of most other uControllers ...and it has a more helpful and active forum than any other uController manufacturer .. which IMO adds to it's appeal.

    You say if it says PAL then you expect PAL .. nothing less !! Similarly Look at the manufacturers of most USB to RS232(serial) converters .. they do not even come close to RS232 standards .. not just in terms of voltage ! But yet they work (at least the majority of them do)..

    Lets not look at this as a failure ...

    John Twomey

    'Necessity is the mother of invention'

    Post Edited (QuattroRS4) : 1/14/2008 10:02:46 AM GMT
  • Mike_GTNMike_GTN Posts: 106
    edited 2008-01-11 20:46
    Hi John,

    I agree is a feature. Me very unlikely to have my multimeter sat on a couple of pins measuring some voltage that might or might not be important to me. Anything Video output is visual (yeah me also surprised I wrote this) You see the defects (or features) very clearly. I would certainly expect a device to conform to a known (ish) standard.



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