Switching from BS2 to the Javelin Stamp, how easy/hard?
Hi all,
Over the past few months I have been Using the BS2 and have found it quite handy, but RAM seems to be an issue.·
The javellin Stamp seems to offer more RAM, but I have found the PULSOUT, PULSIN, SHIFTIN and SHIFTOUT to be very handy commands and was wondering how easy or hard it would be to replicate those commands using the javellin Stamp?
Any help will be much appreciated.
Over the past few months I have been Using the BS2 and have found it quite handy, but RAM seems to be an issue.·
The javellin Stamp seems to offer more RAM, but I have found the PULSOUT, PULSIN, SHIFTIN and SHIFTOUT to be very handy commands and was wondering how easy or hard it would be to replicate those commands using the javellin Stamp?
Any help will be much appreciated.
javelin uses a 8.68 usec timebase, whereas the basic stamps have a slightly different timebase,
from 0.4 usec (bs2sx) to 2 usec (bs2) but unless you need that resolution, there will
be no problem. Furthermore, the javelin uses background tasks to control servos via PWM,
you can send/receive up to 6 serial channels simultaneously, do 8bit ADC, and there is an
unlimited number (as memory serves) of timers that you can use.
You will find ready to use classes for many Parallax products (and non-Parallax products)
and many general purpose classes.
Take a look here and browse the files section.
regards peter
And "Java" on your resume looks good, too.