Stamp Resets When Connecting PC
My Basic code·is not yet stable, so there are times when I want to plug in my·laptop to use HyperTerminal to look at·Debug messages.
The Stamp is·connected to my laptop's USB port·via the Parallax USB to Serial adaptor
As my laptop powers up, it causes the·Stamp goes through a couple of resets. The resets·happen·during the PC power up before I open HyperTerminal. They also happen·when I open HyperTerminal, or the·Stamp Editor.
The same behaviour is exhibited by a BS2 and two·BS2P's. All 3 are mounted on carrier boards and powered by Radio Shack 9v 1000ma wall wart.
Can anyone tell me why I get the resets?
Thanks, John Burrow
My Basic code·is not yet stable, so there are times when I want to plug in my·laptop to use HyperTerminal to look at·Debug messages.
The Stamp is·connected to my laptop's USB port·via the Parallax USB to Serial adaptor
As my laptop powers up, it causes the·Stamp goes through a couple of resets. The resets·happen·during the PC power up before I open HyperTerminal. They also happen·when I open HyperTerminal, or the·Stamp Editor.
The same behaviour is exhibited by a BS2 and two·BS2P's. All 3 are mounted on carrier boards and powered by Radio Shack 9v 1000ma wall wart.
Can anyone tell me why I get the resets?
Thanks, John Burrow
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 1/9/2008 12:11:03 AM GMT