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Medina project (Remote control system)

searchsearch Posts: 28
edited 2008-02-27 20:12 in General Discussion
Thanks for the help I have gotten in my other threads. This is a presentation of my project, which i code named Medina. I will post pictures of the hardware and upload comlete source code when I am finished with this project.

Project goal: Develop a complete battery powered remote system, that can be remotely operated with a amateur radio using standard DTMF tones, or a 433MHz remote. The range for the amateur receiver will be several miles.

The receiver system uses a Wood and Douglas SR500 audio radio receiver a DTMF decoder, a Javelin Stamp and a Quasar QFM-RX1 433MHz receiver. The system has 2 140V AC Relay outputs as well as 4 TTL level outputs. The main board contains three voltage regulators of 3.3 5 and 11Vdc. The system is going to be run by a 9V battery.

Here are the circuit of the main board:

I will update the thread when I have more info.
793 x 506 - 147K


  • searchsearch Posts: 28
    edited 2008-01-13 21:12
    Here are source code so far. The board works and is receiving commands over the telemetry module.

     import stamp.core.*;
     Medina RXC
     Board version: 6.1
     (C) 2006 - 2008
     public class RXC{
      /* C O N S T A N T S  A N D  V A R I A B L E S */
      final static int wdSigPin = CPU.pin9;                // WD S-meter read out pin
      final static int wdSqlPin = CPU.pin8;                // WD Squelsh flag pin
      final static int wdChAPin = CPU.pin6;                // WD Channel select bit A(1)
      final static int wdChBPin = CPU.pin5;                // WD Channel select bit B(2)
      final static int wdChCPin = CPU.pin4;                // WD Channel select bit C(3)
      static int wdChannel = 1000;                         // WD Active channel (1000=none selected)
      final static int wdRSPin = CPU.pin3;                 // WD RS232 programming pin
      static Uart wdRxUart = new Uart (Uart.dirReceive,    // WD RS232 rxUart
      // MT 3270 DTMF DECODER
      final static int mtSerialPin = CPU.pin2;             // MT serial shift in pin
      final static int mtAckPin = CPU.pin1;                // MT Ack pin
      final static int mtEstPin = CPU.pin0;                // MT Est pin
      final static int mtMaxX = 4;                         // Number of bits in MT binary code
      // Timing
      final static int mtAckResponseDelay = 10;            // Delay between Ack pulse and serial read out
      final static int mtAckEndDelay = 10;                 // Delay after end of Ack pulse
      final static int mtSerialPulseDelay = 6000;          // Delay between each serial bit pulse
      final static int qfmPowerPin = CPU.pin10;            // QFM on/off circuit
      static boolean qfmIsOn = false;                      // QFM turned on flag
      final static int qfmSerialPin = CPU.pin7;            // QFM serial read out pin
      // G6S2 RELAYS
      final static int relAPin = CPU.pin15;                // Relay A coil pin
      final static int relBPin = CPU.pin14;                // Relay B coil pin
      // BUFFERS
      static boolean mtBit1 = false;                       // MT binary code buffer for bit 1
      static boolean mtBit2 = false;                       // MT binary code buffer for bit 2
      static boolean mtBit3 = false;                       // MT binary code buffer for bit 3
      static boolean mtBit4 = false;                       // MT binary code buffer for bit 4
      static String binBuf = new String();                 // Binary 4 bit buffer
      static String menBuf = new String();                 // Menu buffer
      // MENU SYSTEM
      static int menuItem = 0;                             // Number of selected menu
      static boolean menuItemStored = false;               // Menu is selected flag
      static boolean autOk = false;                        // Authentication is ok flag
      static boolean reqAut = false;                       // Password has been requested flag
      static int operationMode = 3;                        /* Operation mode:
                                                              3 Developer, no aut required
                                                              1 Locked, aut required
                                                              2 Unlocked, aut nok required
      static boolean doMainWhile = true;                   // Make false to terminate program
      /* MAIN */
      public static void main(){
        init();                                            // Run initialization before continuing with the program
        while (doMainWhile == true){
          /* Check for available binary code in MT */
          if (CPU.readPin(mtEstPin) == true){              // If MT has data buffered
            mtReadSerial();                                // Read binary code from MT
            mtConvertBuf();                                // Convert binary code to ASCI
            menuSystem();                                  // Run menu system
          } // END if
        } // END while doMain
        System.out.println("Program terminated.");
      } // END main
      /* I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N */
      static void init(){
        wdChannel = 0;                                    // Select new channel
        wdSelectChannel();                                // Switch to selected channel
      } // END init
      /* S O F T  R E S E T */
      static void softReset(){
        autOk=false;                                      // Reset autOk
        reqAut=false;                                     // Reset reqAut
        menuItem=0;                                       // Set menu item to 0
        menuItemStored=false;                             // Reset menuItemStored
        binBuf="";                                        // Empty binBuf
        System.out.println("softReset: Done");
        /* H A R D  R E S E T */
      static void hardReset(){
        autOk=false;                                      // Reset autOk
        reqAut=false;                                     // Reset reqAut
        menuItem=0;                                       // Set menu item to 0
        menuItemStored=false;                             // Reset menuItemStored
        binBuf="";                                        // Empty binBuf
        menBuf="";                                        // Empty menBuf
        System.out.println("softReset: Done");
      /* Q F M  T U R N  P O W E R  O N / O F F */
      // TURN OFF
      static void qfmTurnOff(){
        CPU.writePin(qfmPowerPin, false);                 // Turn off QFM power
        qfmIsOn = false;                                  // Set qfmIsOn flag to false(Off)
        System.out.println("QFM power is off.");
      } // END qfmTurnOff
      // TURN ON
      static void qfmTurnOn(){
        CPU.writePin(qfmPowerPin, true);                  // Turn on QFM power
        qfmIsOn=true;                                     // Set qfmIsOn flag to true(On)
        System.out.println("QFM power is on.");
      } // END qfmTurnOn
      /* S E L E C T  C H A N N E L */
      /* This method changes the active channel on the WD SR500 telemetry module.
         There are 8 channels (0-7) available for selection using the WD paralell
         channel select system. The method sends a 3-bit binary code using three
         pins, wdChAPin, wdChBPin and wdChCPin. The method switches to the channel
         selected by the wdChannel integer set elsewhere in the program.
      static void wdSelectChannel(){
        switch (wdChannel){
          case 0:
            CPU.writePin(wdChCPin, true);                  // Switch to channel 0
            CPU.writePin(wdChBPin, true);
            CPU.writePin(wdChAPin, true);
            System.out.println("Active channel: 0");
          case 1:
            CPU.writePin(wdChCPin, true);                  // Switch to channel 1
            CPU.writePin(wdChBPin, true);
            CPU.writePin(wdChAPin, false);
            System.out.println("Active channel: 1");
          case 2:
            CPU.writePin(wdChCPin, true);                  // Switch to channel 2
            CPU.writePin(wdChBPin, false);
            CPU.writePin(wdChAPin, true);
            System.out.println("Active channel: 2");
          case 3:
            CPU.writePin(wdChCPin, true);                  // Switch to channel 3
            CPU.writePin(wdChBPin, false);
            CPU.writePin(wdChAPin, false);
            System.out.println("Active channel: 3");
          case 4:
            CPU.writePin(wdChCPin, false);                  // Switch to channel 4
            CPU.writePin(wdChBPin, true);
            CPU.writePin(wdChAPin, true);
            System.out.println("Active channel: 4");
          case 5:
            CPU.writePin(wdChCPin, false);                  // Switch to channel 5
            CPU.writePin(wdChBPin, true);
            CPU.writePin(wdChAPin, false);
            System.out.println("Active channel: 5");
          case 6:
            CPU.writePin(wdChCPin, false);                  // Switch to channel 6
            CPU.writePin(wdChBPin, false);
            CPU.writePin(wdChAPin, true);
            System.out.println("Active channel: 6");
          case 7:
            CPU.writePin(wdChCPin, false);                  // Switch to channel 7
            CPU.writePin(wdChBPin, false);
            CPU.writePin(wdChAPin, false);
            System.out.println("Active channel: 7");
            System.out.println("wdSelectChannel: Error, switch mismatch.");
            CPU.writePin(wdChCPin, true);                  // Switch to channel 0
            CPU.writePin(wdChBPin, true);
            CPU.writePin(wdChAPin, true);
            System.out.println("Default channel 0, selected.");
        } // END switch
      } // END wdSelectChannel
      /* R E A D  B I N A R Y  C O D E  F R O M  M T  S E R I A L  O U T */
      /* This method reads a 4-bit binary code from the MT3270 DTMF decoder.
         The method sends an Ack to the MT chip, waits for the chip to output
         the first bit, and reads the bit from the MT serial output pin.
         If the serial reads a 1 or a 0, it appends it to the binBuf and repeats
         the process 4 times, to read the whole binary code. The binBuf then
         contains four characters, that the convertBuf method can translate into
         an ASCI-character.
         The MT chip is capacitive coupled to the WD telemetry modules audio output.
      static void mtReadSerial(){
        for (int x = 0; x < mtMaxX; x++){        // START SHIFT IN SEQUENCE
          CPU.writePin(mtAckPin, true);          // Start Ack pulse
          CPU.delay(mtAckResponseDelay);         // Ack response delay
          if (CPU.readPin(mtSerialPin) == true){ // Read from mt serial pin
            binBuf=binBuf+"1";                   // Append a "1" to binBuf
          } else {
            binBuf=binBuf+"0";                   // Append a "0" to binBuf
          } // END if
          CPU.writePin(mtAckPin, false);         // End Ack pulse
          CPU.delay(mtAckEndDelay);              // Ack end delay
        } // END for
        CPU.delay(mtSerialPulseDelay);           // Delay before accepting new input
      } // END mtReadSerial
      /* C O N V E R T  4 - B I T  B I N A R Y  B U F F E R */
      static void mtConvertBuf(){
       if (binBuf.equals("1000")){            // digit 1
          System.out.println("DTMF digit 1");
        }else if (binBuf.equals("0100")){     // digit 2
          System.out.println("DTMF digit 2");
        }else if (binBuf.equals("1100")){     // digit 3
          System.out.println("DTMF digit 3");
        }else if (binBuf.equals("0010")){     // digit 4
          System.out.println("DTMF digit 4");
        }else if (binBuf.equals("1010")){     // digit 5
          System.out.println("DTMF digit 5");
        }else if (binBuf.equals("0110")){     // digit 6
          System.out.println("DTMF digit 6");
        }else if (binBuf.equals("1110")){     // digit 7
          System.out.println("DTMF digit 7");
        }else if (binBuf.equals("0001")){     // digit 8
          System.out.println("DTMF digit 8");
        }else if (binBuf.equals("1001")){     // digit 9
          System.out.println("DTMF digit 9");
        }else if (binBuf.equals("0101")){     // digit 0
          System.out.println("DTMF digit 0");
        }else if (binBuf.equals("1101")){     // digit *
          System.out.println("DTMF digit *");
        }else if (binBuf.equals("0011")){     // digit #
          System.out.println("DTMF digit #");
        }else if (binBuf.equals("1011")){     // digit A
          System.out.println("DTMF digit A");
        }else if (binBuf.equals("0111")){     // digit B
          System.out.println("DTMF digit B");
        }else if (binBuf.equals("1111")){     // digit C
          System.out.println("DTMF digit C");
          System.out.println("convertBuf: Clear menuBuf");
        }else if (binBuf.equals("0000")){     // digit D
          System.out.println("DTMF digit D");
        }else{System.out.println("convertBuf: Error 1 - mismatch");}
        binBuf="";  // Clear buffer to make ready for reception of new DTMF tones
      } // END mtConvertBuf
      /* M E N U  S Y S T E M */
      static void menuSystem(){
      } // END menuSystem
     } // END public class
  • searchsearch Posts: 28
    edited 2008-02-12 17:48
    PCB layout with text for the new layout:
    482 x 362 - 49K
    534 x 420 - 67K
    345 x 274 - 32K
    496 x 593 - 130K
    568 x 631 - 107K
  • searchsearch Posts: 28
    edited 2008-02-12 17:55
    Complete PCB layout:
    769 x 489 - 162K
  • searchsearch Posts: 28
    edited 2008-02-27 20:12
    Final design, everything now works. Powered with a 9V battery. Approx 12 hours stand by time. PCB:
    797 x 532 - 152K
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