PHSA/PHSB access from Spin
Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)
Posts: 23,514
Here's a program whose behavior perplexes me:
It starts two NCO clocks, both with the same frequency, with outputs on pins 14 and 15. In the repeat loop, phsb gets incremented by advance. But here's the weird thing: The amount by which the phase of pin 15, relative to that of pin 14, advances at each step (as seen on a scope) is independent of the value of advance, and equals about -3.7µs. What's up with that? Is Spin doing a read-modify-write on phsb, thereby reading phsb's shadow register? Well, I tested that theory by doing an explicit read, followed by a modify, then a write. 'Same results, with just a longer phase shift.
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 1/8/2008 5:05:39 AM GMT
[b]CON[/b] [b]_clkmode[/b] = [b]xtal[/b]1 + [b]pll[/b]16x [b]_xinfreq[/b] = 5_000_000 freq = 10000 advance = 6000 pina = 14 pinb = 15 [b]PUB[/b] start [b]frqa[/b] := ((freq << 16) / clkfreq) << 16 [b]ctra[/b] := constant(%00100 << 26) | pina [b]dira[/b][noparse][[/noparse]pina]~~ [b]frqb[/b] := ((freq << 16) / clkfreq) << 16 [b]ctrb[/b] := constant(%00100 << 26) | pinb [b]dira[/b][noparse][[/noparse]pinb]~~ [b]repeat[/b] [b]phsb[/b] += advance [b]waitcnt[/b]([b]cnt[/b] + clkfreq * 2)
It starts two NCO clocks, both with the same frequency, with outputs on pins 14 and 15. In the repeat loop, phsb gets incremented by advance. But here's the weird thing: The amount by which the phase of pin 15, relative to that of pin 14, advances at each step (as seen on a scope) is independent of the value of advance, and equals about -3.7µs. What's up with that? Is Spin doing a read-modify-write on phsb, thereby reading phsb's shadow register? Well, I tested that theory by doing an explicit read, followed by a modify, then a write. 'Same results, with just a longer phase shift.
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 1/8/2008 5:05:39 AM GMT
have you tried
ctrb:= (constant (%00100 << 26)) | pinb
ctrb := %00100<< 26 | pinb
just some guesses that I would try..
ron Mel oz
Post Edited (OzStamp) : 1/8/2008 5:36:38 AM GMT
The value, advance=6000 is practically nothing in terms of phase, because phsb would be advancing by 524_288 (=2^19) every 12.5 ns. It should take a value of advance=155_189_248 to evoke a 3.7 µs phase advance. That is about 1/28 of the full cycle. Did you try numbers up in that range or higher, and still the same result?
Tracy Allen
A phase retardation of x is just a phase advance of period - x, so that doesn't bother me, since I assume there's some Spin overhead that also gets added in.
I did try some numbers orders of magnitude bigger than 6000, but you're right: they weren't nearly big enough to make a noticeable difference. Now that I've tried some really, really big numbers, I'm seeing some effective differences. Thanks for making me revisit my assumptions!
So you practically discard all the hardware induced PHS increments during that time, giving you the observed retardation. When beeing morte explicite that
PHSA += advance
this retardation will increase of course, as you already noticed.