Keyboard socket to USB socket?
Posts: 1,283
I've been thinking about getting the Prop accessory kit. I really want to get it now that I had an idea about how to store virtually limitless amounts of data for very little money. It seems that an SD card socket is fairly expensive and bulky inside a case. If you've ever gotten a new keyboard that was USB, you'll notice that it comes with a PS/2 to USB adapter. You just plug the adapter into your PS/2 socket on your computer, and plug the keyboard into that and presto! PS/2 to USB! Why not use this same adapter and plug it into the keyboard/mouse socket on the accessory kit? It SEEMS like an easy, cheap way to interface all sorts of USB devices... like flash drives.
Can this be done?
Can this be done?
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
The PS/2 to USB adapter you're describing is just a plug adapter. The keyboards that come with this are specially designed to interface to either a USB connection or a PS/2 connection. Most newer keyboards don't come with this adapter because the keyboard itself isn't designed for the PS/2 protocol.
An SD card socket is relatively expensive ($18 on a breakout board from Spark-Fun). There was a posting some months ago about a do-it-yourself SD card socket.
Do you know of any USB solutions that can be interfaced to the prop? I know there is the prop plug, but is that strictly for programming the propeller?
There are several USB host devices that can be interfaced to a Propeller. Parallax has its Memory Stick Datalogger which can attach mass storage devices, keyboards, mice, and serial adapters via a serial or SPI connection. This uses the same chip as the VDrive2 and VMusic2 from Vinculum (FTDI).
GHI Electronics also has a USB host interface, their USBwiz. This can interface to both an SD card and a USB device, either a mass storage device, or a keyboard / mouse / serial adapter / printer. It can connect via serial / SPI / I2C.
Thus a Propeller can act as a USB keyboard, but it's not so far possible to connect a USB keyboard to a Propeller, a Propeller could act as a Memory Stick but could not use a Memory Stick unless it's via a separate device/interface/product which allows that connection to be made.
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.