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Where to start reading? — Parallax Forums

Where to start reading?

edited 2008-01-08 18:55 in General Discussion
I have noticed there is great documentation for hte SX line both formal and fan/user based. This is part of the SX's charm in my opinion. Out of all the down loadable material, where should I start reading? I have experience in Micro's and programming but would like to learn more about the SX controllers. thx for the help as always guys.


  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2008-01-07 20:35
    If you want use assembly, then Gunther's book is the best. For SX/B download the pre-release PDF of Jon Williams "Practical SX/B" (I'll try to find the link).


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    edited 2008-01-08 15:32
    Thx guys, that works out great.
  • Marky-MarkMarky-Mark Posts: 26
    edited 2008-01-08 17:04
    I started on the sx-key manual, just to get a good background on what it does, I won't remember most of it and I am skipping comparissons between the two assemblers listed.· I started on Gunthers book, but then switched to Jon's book as it in Basic and a bit easier to follow.· Once I get through most of that I will go back to Gunthers book.· I do wish there were more Basic examples to follow.


    12-25-07 Got SX Lite Kit Plus for Christmas

    12-27-07 Bought LED's and other components
    12-29-07 Realized that none of my wal-warts work with board
    1-2-08 Bought power supply and turned on·board, but realized the A shell sub-D connector on laptop is actually 15 pins and not serial.
    1-3-08 Decided to use old laptop with a serial sub-d, that barely meets the minimum sk-key requirements.· Got LED to BLINK!!!!!!
  • bunnibunni Posts: 38
    edited 2008-01-08 18:00
    I got in to it, I would say about 6 months ago. I spent a few days reading the SXKey manual, bits from the datasheets of the specific chips, as well as the available online "beginning assembly for the SX." It was the dryest thing I have besides the "ARM System Developers Manual" and the "Intel IA_86 Assembly Manual" (I only got through about 30 pages of the 1000-1500 total of the series of Intel books :P). But when I finally got my hands on a chip, assembly was quite a breeze. If you read them enough things tend to stick with you, just sit down one weekend and keep reading those documents over and over, you will catch on. And your right, right now there isn't a whole lot of examples out for using SX/B, your best bet it to troll through all of the SX threads that have an attachment, if it is a program there is a good chance it is SX/B. Just open it up and study it, if the author is good enough there will be comments that explain what things do smile.gif Good Luck.

  • RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
    edited 2008-01-08 18:55
    For more reading on projects that use the SX processors make sure to checkout all the Nuts & Volts columns. There are quite a few that deal specifically with the SX series chips. They are all very well written articles and Parallax has made them available on their site:

    Hope this helps,

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