Epson Printer Motors
Hi. I am hacking (tearing apart) several Epson pinters. Anyone know any voltage specs for these motors. I want to use them with a microprocessor on some small robotics projects.
Sadly, the more robotics I do, the less I find the "MacGuyver" approach working. Tearing something down (and keeping it in storage until you CAN tear it down) and applying the parts creatively seems to take more time and money than just buying the right part at the right time. Not to mention the comprimises you have to make in order to use the 'salvaged' item at all.
Plus, to do most electronics reliably it's critically important to get the manuals on ALL parts to know what they do, and what interface signals they require. Many internal parts for things like Printers are specified ONCE by the vendor, then MILLIONS of those devices made just for that purpose. So these parts are NOT 'off-the-shelf', and the vendor has an incentive NOT to publish the specifications.
Bottom line -- don't waste your time tearing apart printers. Find something else to do with that time, and buy a couple of $12 servo-motors and get on with your project.
There are plenty of resources online that talk about stepper motors and help determine which ones you may have. Also, if you examine the controller board you can get an idea of what the original driver circuits looked like. It can often provide clues how it was driven. If you have a working example you might be able to take some voltage readings to see what is there. Below are some links you may find useful. For more just use your favorite Internet Search engine. Have Fun!
Oh the steppers are bipolar 4 wire so that's just two coils, find the connections with a multimeter.
So I think printers are worth stripping but only for the stepper, belt drive, encoders and in some cases the nice rubber rollers.
p.s not normally on this forum so PM me if you need more info.
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