Are any french people here ?
It seems that there are members from UK, Germany, Belgium and other european countries but no french people here ?
The Propeller is nearly unknown in france with few distributors and users.
This may look a bit strange as Basic Stamps were largely used by french hobbyists , why not Propellers ?
The Propeller is nearly unknown in france with few distributors and users.
This may look a bit strange as Basic Stamps were largely used by french hobbyists , why not Propellers ?
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
Better to make an effort and read in english. The hard thing is to write in english without misunderstandings.
For the mouse we name it <souris> in french , but our former president Chirac named it strangely <mulot>· which is a sort of field mouse.
We had a similar tendency in Germany rooted in the proud of engineering of the powerful companies of that time (AEG, Telefunken, Siemens, Nixdorf) There is a full set of German technical vocabulary for all computer science - starting with that (="informatik"), going to computer ("Rechenanlage", French: "ordinateur") output ("Ausgabe", French "donne sortie"), interrupt request service (="Unterbrechungsbehandlung")... Ale is right: This is fun
Post Edited (deSilva) : 1/5/2008 11:29:53 PM GMT
Not to forget: the control key (Ctl) was translated to "Steuerung" ("Strg") and then called "string"
As you said there are only two distributors in France : Selectronic and L et Cie.
And both dont offer the whole product mix Parallax does.
(ex. No protoboard avaible...)
This can be an explanation.
Here in paris, I sometime attend the Planete Science robotic forum :
You will notice Parallax has some fans, but not that much compared to Microchips...
I remember few years ago I helped a French studing engineering, while in internship at the Polytech. institute of Bucarest.
He was having a hard time understanding the principles of the PBASIC, BS2 and the Boe-Bot the institute had.
He had never seen one in Paris.
So let say no doubt Parallax has a popularity in France, but its not the first controler any one would think of at first. But they do enjoy it quite fast.
May be some business action for Parallax to do in France [noparse];)[/noparse] ?
Last week a coworker called the Control key "string", that sounded strange. I was wandering what "Strg" meant. Thanks.
But I think some of this goes back to the time of "Knallgastreibling".
Btw, Have anyone used AIX in another language than English ?, in Spanish it is terrible !
Lo que es realmente divertido es oir hablar·en Español a un argentino. No sólo por el acento sino por lo americanizados (y me refiero a influenciados por los EEUU)·que están en su forma de hablar. Efectivamente los franceses han intentado forzar la nota con traducciones imposibles, pero hombre, me dirás que tendremos que decir 'maus' para referirnos al ratón?
También tendremos que decir 'computación' y 'computadora' no?
Sorry for posting in Spanish but I had a compelling·need to explain myself in my natural language.
--Andrew Arsenault.
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I'll check that shop.
But prices may be rather high and it seems that french customs may add taxes (I remember heavy customs taxes for a purchase from Parallax last year )
The Propeller is so amazing that it can be used by everyone, including the "Frenchies" !!!
For the Prop chip itself or this wondersome VGA/mouse/keyboard connector for the proto board digi-key is a little bit cheaper IF you order >150 Euro to save shipping and handling
Post Edited (deSilva) : 1/6/2008 12:24:22 PM GMT
I am French too but I am living in USA.
I was living in PARIS (Nogent sur Marne).
have a great day.