Scribbler motor controller
Hello Scribbler Gurus ...
I have problem that left wheel is totally out of sync now. For
PULSOUT L_Motor, 2500
PULSOUT R_Motor, 2500
left wheel is rotating some 70% slower.
Yes, I know that it's possible to calibrate ... wait ... calibrate what exactly?
After I run calibration program, it's values are stored in eeprom. But are those values used by basic subroutine only or by actual motor controller chip? (which is strange SONIX bread of controllers). If I calibrate successfully and then
use not "gosub motor_set", but·
PULSOUT L_Motor, 2500
PULSOUT R_Motor, 2500
it should be calibrated also?
Actually it's something strange with motor controller. Left wheel is always slower by some unpredictable amount. I can compensate this by making test run and calculating actual speed correction from encoder pulses, but I'm afraid that I don't understand how motor controller operate here.· Can somebody provide me with more technical details about used motor controller?
Best regards
I have problem that left wheel is totally out of sync now. For
PULSOUT L_Motor, 2500
PULSOUT R_Motor, 2500
left wheel is rotating some 70% slower.
Yes, I know that it's possible to calibrate ... wait ... calibrate what exactly?
After I run calibration program, it's values are stored in eeprom. But are those values used by basic subroutine only or by actual motor controller chip? (which is strange SONIX bread of controllers). If I calibrate successfully and then
use not "gosub motor_set", but·
PULSOUT L_Motor, 2500
PULSOUT R_Motor, 2500
it should be calibrated also?
Actually it's something strange with motor controller. Left wheel is always slower by some unpredictable amount. I can compensate this by making test run and calculating actual speed correction from encoder pulses, but I'm afraid that I don't understand how motor controller operate here.· Can somebody provide me with more technical details about used motor controller?
Best regards
The calibration values saved in EEPROM are used only by the PBASIC motor control subroutine, not by the motor controller itself.