Back to interfacing the old but good topic of commodore 64 to the Basic Stamp 2
Hi all, allie is back and will need some more·help on interfacing my commodore 64 to Bs2. I started a thread in·spring of·2006 feb.15th·sorry for leaving so quickly but Had to go for work reasons and had no excess to computing at the time nor my prototyping equipment and parts. Over a year has passed with out posting but I kept designing when I could on paper. Now I need to learn how to post my designs. I have Express Sch and Pcb and also the Eagle free Rom and easy pc demo and also dipTrace programs. I am currently checking out the Express sch software for posting, is this a good one for posting.
·I had a lot of help with answers to my questions on the last post (2006 )·I started. I reviewed some today but there is more if I can find them. Are they in the archives for these forums and how do I find them.
·I just purchased a laminator from Pulsarpro for making my own circuit boards and·should have it monday.
· is a good web site for designing tools.
·Do I start a new thread for the one I last used in 2006 for the same project or·do I start a new thread.·I may have added to it in spring of 2007 not sure yet but checking.
·I don't expect the people who answered my questions in 2006 to remember that thread so how do I bring you up to speed on the same topic other than say thank you for your input·back then. The thread was trying to interface the commodore 64 to the Basic stamp 2 and my Sherline lath and milling machines.
·Chris Shavage said to let him know how this interface turned out. So if chris is still on this site I will let him know. I know that there was more to thread than I just found so how do I find the rest.
·I had a lot of help with answers to my questions on the last post (2006 )·I started. I reviewed some today but there is more if I can find them. Are they in the archives for these forums and how do I find them.
·I just purchased a laminator from Pulsarpro for making my own circuit boards and·should have it monday.
· is a good web site for designing tools.
·Do I start a new thread for the one I last used in 2006 for the same project or·do I start a new thread.·I may have added to it in spring of 2007 not sure yet but checking.
·I don't expect the people who answered my questions in 2006 to remember that thread so how do I bring you up to speed on the same topic other than say thank you for your input·back then. The thread was trying to interface the commodore 64 to the Basic stamp 2 and my Sherline lath and milling machines.
·Chris Shavage said to let him know how this interface turned out. So if chris is still on this site I will let him know. I know that there was more to thread than I just found so how do I find the rest.

Here are your last 5 posts, if that's at all helpful:
BTW - It's Chris Savage, and he's still here and a member of the Parallax Staff.
Bruce Bates
I guess if you can't find the old posting to add to it, there isn't much choice except to start a new thread. I doubt anyone will complain.
Bruce Bates
Thank you
·I found my first thread so I'll move to the other one.
·Thanks for your help in finding the other thread.
Post Edited (allie) : 1/8/2008 5:47:26 PM GMT
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
·Should I keep posting here or re-name another new thread.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support