BS2 pin repair?
Oh no....while pulling my BS2 out of its socket, I bent several of the pins.· Trying to straighten them out ended up with pin 1 breaking off. 
Does anyone know of a way to replace/repair the pins short of replacing the whole $49 unit?

Does anyone know of a way to replace/repair the pins short of replacing the whole $49 unit?

Send me your name and shipping·address to: and include the topic and I will send you a couple of legs that you can solder on for replacement.· If this doesn't work for you, we can·offer·you a·half price replacement BASIC Stamp by having you send in your damaged stamp.
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support
Post Edited (Dave Andreae (Parallax)) : 1/2/2008 9:52:11 PM GMT