oem manufacture questions
having never done anything like this before i have a couple of questions
if i develop a product for resale based on a bs2 product at its core
i assume parallax will expect some sort of royalty or license to do so
what does something like that entail?
what are the costs?
is it a blacket deal? or is it based on a per unit sold?
any thoughts, idea's or info would be appreciated
if i develop a product for resale based on a bs2 product at its core
i assume parallax will expect some sort of royalty or license to do so
what does something like that entail?
what are the costs?
is it a blacket deal? or is it based on a per unit sold?
any thoughts, idea's or info would be appreciated
I can't be more emphatic about this, but absolutely, positively NOT! All Parallax would like to have is your continuing business, and for you to spread their good name if you like their products.
Let me also mention this. Once you have your prototype built using an ordinary Stamp processor, Parallax also offers "OEM Stamps" which are something like a kit which helps to reduce the processor cost when you're using many units. A substantial reduction in cost can been seen by using the OEM models as shown on their web site.
Bruce Bates
Post Edited (Bruce Bates) : 1/2/2008 5:15:06 AM GMT
Get your product up and running with·a BS type Stamp from Parallax.
As Bruce Bates mentioned .. you can just buy the main core chips in dip or SMD format from
Parallax and save bucket loads of dollars...
If your up and running with a Basic Stamp and your code is all done
see also if you can maybe port the whole lot to a SX28 chip or so (also from Parallax)
These chips are really cheap .. we sell them here in Australia for $4.00 or so ..less for qty..
Hope this all helps..
Ron Nollet Melbourne OZ
how about the programming? if i program with the bs2 editor
can i sell the product with it programmed? how about future updates to the
would seem as though they would want to be compensated for somepart of this?
if not, and all they want is future sales of their product, that is great
i can't imagine going to a competitor once all the development is done using the bs2
can anyone confirm this?
bob g
Parallax's objective is to sell as many Basic Stamps or SX chips possible.
They do not want any royalty .. no chip or module reseller manufacturer works that way..
That would be commercial suicide...
Yes all they want is for you to come back and buy their stuff..
The SX chip like the Basic Stamp is in circuit programmable so no need to remove it .
Your objective should be to get this sorted and coded properly and price it competitely so you can sell
lots of them ...
Wishing you well Bob
Cheers Ron Nollet Melbourne Australia