printed circuit board software
I was hoping someone could steer me towards some software for the design and printing of PCB's at home using the photo etch method. If I get my next STAMP project working OK, it may be worthy of a PCB.
I have looked haphazardly over the years into some softwares but never actually printed the board pattern. One supplier of free software has it locked so as not to print a usable image so that you need to send it to them to produce the boards.·(which is OK except that I like most of you, probably would do a lot of small one only boards)
Is there any freeware or shareware or relatively inexpensive software available?
I was hoping someone could steer me towards some software for the design and printing of PCB's at home using the photo etch method. If I get my next STAMP project working OK, it may be worthy of a PCB.
I have looked haphazardly over the years into some softwares but never actually printed the board pattern. One supplier of free software has it locked so as not to print a usable image so that you need to send it to them to produce the boards.·(which is OK except that I like most of you, probably would do a lot of small one only boards)
Is there any freeware or shareware or relatively inexpensive software available?
And if you want to have them make it, a handful is simple boards is pretty inexpensive.
SelmaWare Solutions - StampPlot GUI for controllers, XBee and Propeller Application Boards
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Electronic Systems Technologies
American Technical Educator's Assoc. Conference·- April, Biloxi, MS. -- PROPELLER WORKSHOP!
For commercial work, I use CADINT (U.S. and Swedish websites) and love it.
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 12/30/2007 8:18:03 AM GMT
I recommend ExpressPCB for your needs.
I see they have a non commercial version for $60.
Is that for real?
- - - PLJack - - -
Perfection in design is not achieved when there is nothing left to add.
It is achieved when there is nothing left to take away.
their webpage is:
I never used it, i'm just starting all this...
PS: where can i supply myself to do my own pcbs?
It does auto-routing, trace checking against your schematic and all that good stuff. Tried using ExpressPCB since everyone talks about it. Took twice as many mouse clicks to do everything. Not as intuitively friendly for serious work IMO.
Industry standards are OrCad and Pads, or were when I use to be in that world.
Eagle is Cadsoft's program!
bit daunting to use at first but here's an excellent tutorial that helps the newbie
Post Edited (skylight) : 1/27/2008 9:30:25 PM GMT
I have really good results using the Toner transfer method for once-off boards.· After trying the demo... I bought it.· Much easier than CADSOFT Eagle.·
There's nothing like a new idea and a warm soldering iron.