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Hi does anyone know PLX DAQ label directive? — Parallax Forums

Hi does anyone know PLX DAQ label directive?

I modified PLX DAQ demo to calculate and send sin angles to EXCEL by using XBEEs instead of USB serial. However I am not getting labelling on XBEEs. I am getting correct labelling on USB serial: TIME, TIMER, ANGLE, SIN.

I checked PLX DAQ Object Library but I am not sure what is wrong?


  • {{
     ***************** Simple PLX-DAQ Example *****************
      Simple PLX-DAQ routine for data.
      Plots the sine of angle from 0 to 360 degrees.
      Program will send data on serial port to be
      accepted and placed into an Excel worksheet.
      This example also demonstrates reading the current ROW from Excel,
      and starting over again once it exceeds 300.
      Check "Reset on Connect" to catch configuration data.
      January, 2007
      By Martin Hebel
      SelmaWare Solutions -
      Southern Illinois University Carbondale -
     The PLX-DAQ Library must be created and started
                    │ OBJ                                            │
                    │  PDAQ : "PLX_DAQ"                              │
                    │                                                │
                    │ Pub Start | Angle, Row                         │
                    │  PDAQ.start(31,30,0,9600) ' Rx,Tx, Mode, Baud  │
     ***************** PLX-DAQ data structures used ****************
      PLX-DAQ directives used and how called:
      DATA          Places data into the next row of Excel spreadsheet
                    Up to 26 comma-separated values may be stored.
                    Each value following "DATA," must be separated by comma-strings ","
                    PLX-DAQ String: DATA,val1,val2,val3...Val26
                    PLX-DAQ String: DATA,TIME,TIMER, decimal value of X, Signed-Decimal value of X
                    The Object library allows sending data as values or as text.
                    When 1st called, if TimeStamp is enabled, "TIME,TIMER" will
                    be sent before data is sent.  A complete data set must end
                    with a .CR call.
                   │ PDAQ.Data(value1)           ' Value            │
                   │ PDAQ.DataDiv(Value2,1000)   ' Value/1000       │
                   │ PDAQ.DataText(string("On"))                    │
                   │ PDAQ.CR                                        │
      TIME          Replaced by PLX-DAQ with real system time (DATE may also be used)
                    in DATA directive.  Column cells should be formatted for time.
                   │ PDAQ.Label(String("TIME,ext"))         │
                   │ PDAQ.DataText(String("TIME"))          │
                   When writing Data, if TimeStamp is enabled, "TIME,TIMER" will
                   automatically be included when data is sent. It is true by default.
                   │ PDAQ.TimeStamp(True)                   │
      TIMER         Replaced by PLX-DAQ with the seconds since last may also be used
                    to show time since last RESETTIMER.
                    Column should NOT be formatted for Time.
                   │ PDAQ.Label(String("TIMER,ext"))        │
                   │ PDAQ.DataText(String("TIMER"))         │
                   When writing Data, if TimeStamp is enabled, "TIME,TIMER" will
                   automatically be included when data is sent. It is true by default.
                   │ PDAQ.TimeStamp(True)                   │
      LABEL         Places headings on the columns for rows A-J using up to
                    26 comma-separated labels.
                    PLX-DAQ String: LABEL,label1,label2,...label10
                   │ PDAQ.Label(string("label1,label2,etc"))│
      CLEARDATA     Clears columns A-J, rows 2 and on. (labels remain).
                    PLX-DAQ String: CLEARDATA
                   │ PDAQ.ClearData                         │
      RESETTIMER    Resets the timer to 0.
                    PLX-DAQ String: CLEARDATA  
                   │ PDAQ.ResetTimer                        │
      ROW,GET       Requests the last row data went into.
                    PLX-DAQ String: ROW,GET
                   │ Row := PDAQ.RowGet                     │
      ROW,SET,val   Sets the row the next data set will use.
                    PLX-DAQ String: ROW,SET,2  
                   │ PDAQ.RowSet(2)                         │
      MSG           Sets a text message in the PLX-DAQ control
                    PLX-DAQ String: MSG,hello
                   │ PDAQ.Msg(string("Hello"))                      │
        _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
        _xinfreq = 5_000_000
        CR = 13
       PDAQ : "PLX-DAQ"                
    Pub Start  | Angle, Row
      PDAQ.start(2,1,0,9600)                              ' Rx,Tx, Mode, Baud  
      PDAQ.Label(string("Time,Timer,X,SIN X"))              ' Label the spreadsheet columns
      PDAQ.ClearData                                        ' Clear present data
      PDAQ.ResetTimer                                       ' Reset timer for seconds interval
        repeat Angle from 0 to 359                          ' Count from 0 to 359
          PDAQ.DataText(string("TIME,TIMER"))               ' Place current time and time since reset
          PDAQ.Data(Angle)                                  ' Send data of angle
          PDAQ.DataDiv(Sin(Angle),1000)                     ' Send data of sin of angle / 1000
          PDAQ.CR                                           ' End of data for row
          Row:=PDAQ.RowGet                                  ' Read current row
          If Row => 300                                     ' Greater than 300?
             PDAQ.RowSet(2)                                     ' back to row 2
             PDAQ.Msg(string("Restarting Data"))                ' Post message to control            
          Pause(100)                                        ' 100mSec Pause
    PUB Sin(angle)                  ' SIN angle is 13-bit ; Returns a 16-bit signed value
                                    ' Code adapted from Parallax forums to use internal SIN tables
        Angle := (Angle * 1024)/45
        Result := angle << 1 & $FFE
        if angle & $800
           Result := word[$F000 - Result]
           Result := word[$E000 + Result]
        if angle & $1000
        Result := (Result * 1000/65535)
    PUB Pause(mS)
      waitcnt(clkFreq/1000 * ms + cnt)
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