WiFi module 32420 setup question

in BASIC Stamp
Hello, I have a few setup questions with these 32420s wifi modules.
I have two laptops running. One is logged onto the wifi board per tutorial.
The other is usb connected to a board of education usb model.
I downloaded the most recent firmware "parallax-esp-2016-11-02-1804-e"
but the only OTA file is parallax-ESP.ota.
Not the "32420-Parallax-ESP-vnnn.ota" mentioned in the tutorial.
It updated ok but it shows to be version 1.0(2016-11-02 18:04:30)
I continued with the tutorial and setup the baud rate and stop bits.
I then opened the val-from-micro.html web page and ran the val from micro host.bs2 program.
It uploaded fine and when i click update on the web page it pulls up a number sent from the BS2
but it only updates once. When i repress the update button the number never changes.
The debug screen shows the BS2 sent value correctly.
Why does the value not change when i repress the update button on the web page ?
Do I need a newer firmware ?
C. Jennings
I have two laptops running. One is logged onto the wifi board per tutorial.
The other is usb connected to a board of education usb model.
I downloaded the most recent firmware "parallax-esp-2016-11-02-1804-e"
but the only OTA file is parallax-ESP.ota.
Not the "32420-Parallax-ESP-vnnn.ota" mentioned in the tutorial.
It updated ok but it shows to be version 1.0(2016-11-02 18:04:30)
I continued with the tutorial and setup the baud rate and stop bits.
I then opened the val-from-micro.html web page and ran the val from micro host.bs2 program.
It uploaded fine and when i click update on the web page it pulls up a number sent from the BS2
but it only updates once. When i repress the update button the number never changes.
The debug screen shows the BS2 sent value correctly.
Why does the value not change when i repress the update button on the web page ?
Do I need a newer firmware ?
C. Jennings
I haven't tried to pull on the pin headers but under a magnifying glass i see no solder.
Am I missing something ?
The pin headers are manufactured with solder that is pre-deposited in the header, and it reflows into the plated holes as it passes through our oven. It deposits just enough solder to make a good intermetalic bond, but not much more. So the fillet on the top side is often not visible. I have handled a number of them, "carelessly" with no damage. They're petty sturdy.
This is interesting, we were just discussing the one-shot behavior of the webpage in another thread with the Propeller. I have not been able to duplicate the symptoms here. I have been using Chrome and Safari in OSX Yosemite and Chrome in Windows 10. Are you using a different browser, and if so, does it start working if you switch to Chrome? Any additional info you can provide about your OS, browser, setup, security settings and security software would be helpful.
Thanks, Andy
Java 8 update 77
on a Panasonic CF-52
I will try it with Chrome this afternoon.
Thanks for the fast reply.
Windows Vista Home premium SP2
Chrome browser v 49.0.2623.112m
I can log on to the wifi board ok. wx-db9b37
When i attempt to update firmware is shows updating... them updating done rebooting..
but it never completes reboot. Chrome times out and says web page unresponsive.
My settings match the tutorial. And have been saved and saved to flash.
Thanks for any advise.
If you just want to be sure it can do it, check the Mode dropdown on the Network page. It seems most likely to exhibit the symptoms you describe in STA+AP mode. If you have not already connected it to another Wi-Fi network, then put it in AP mode. If that still doesn't work, wait until after you have completed the Join Another Network instructions, then retry. I almost never see that behavior when the Wi-Fi module is on another network.
Another thing to try would be re-loading an empty program into the BS2 so that it is not asking the Wi-Fi module to do anything else during the update.
I started with a fresh install of Chrome on my windows 10 laptop.
Val-from-micro.html updates values like it should.
I was running the "page-controls-lights" web page and everything was working great.
But after a few minutes the wifi board stopped responding.
No flashing red or blue leds
Just green Vin. (New 9v battery.)
I turned the BOE off then back on but only green Vin led comes on.
I switched to another BOE and still nothing.
I put a second wifi module in both boards and it works properly.
I then removed the BS2 chips just to make sure no IO pin problems.
Same results.
Has this chip Bricked somehow ?
Is it possible to reset ?
I run a BSA robotics Merit Badge course and would love to demonstrate these to the scouts.
I wired the wifi up on a BOE breadboard but it was still inop.
I moved it back to the App Mod header x1 and it sprang to life.
I then moved it back to the breadboard and no go.
I tested terminal tension/ Checked for good ground and 5v supply. Another new battery.
Added .1 mf cap across Vss and Vdd. Still doesn't work on breadboard.
I think this circuit is extremely sensitive to interference / noise on startup.
It's working at the moment but sporadic.
I have four Boe Bots and two sumo bots.
If you have any advise i would appreciate it.
That's all I can think of for now, I might post back later with some more suggestions. Keep us posted.
Make sure you've got DI to P2, and DO to P4 on the breadboard
Run the END program before connecting the Wi-Fi module so that a previous program cannot put it in an indeterminate mode.
Add a pause(2000) at the beginning of the program to make sure the Wi-Fi module has fully woken up before communicating with it.
Stick with the 6 V (4 cell) or 7.5 V (5 cell) battery pack. You can use rechargeable batteries in a 5-cell pack, but stick with alkaline in a 4-cell pack.
Set the servo power to VIN.
We are also testing to find out if a certain I/O sequence can put the module into some kind of lower level access mode. All the more reason to either have an empty program, or one that is a known-working application running in the BS2 before connecting and putting power on the Wi-Fi module. Someone from Parallax will follow-up on that here after we've done some testing. Sorry for the delay.
Uploaded to BS2 and set servo jumper to Vin.
Still locked up. No wifi activity but Do and Di leds flash once each on power up.
I also noticed a 3.2mv 450khz signal at the ground pin of the wifi board.
The board is active just not communicating.
I had my DSO connected between the BOE Battery ground clip and ground pin at wifi board.
I have a second wifi board that works great in all three BOE boards.
Don't worry about a delay, I'm in no hurry.