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Don't laugh need to make choo choo train sound with prop - Page 2 — Parallax Forums

Don't laugh need to make choo choo train sound with prop



  • Ahle2Ahle2 Posts: 1,179
    edited 2009-12-28 01:28
    It would be nice to see SIDcog incorporated in a basic interpreter running on the propeller. Then you could use peeks and pokes exactly the same way as on the C64 to play sounds.
    Oldbitcollector said...
    Hey Ahle2, You could save yourself a lot of time by basing your instructional on the original C64
    User's Manual on the SID chip. Shouldn't be that difficult to adjust the following instructions...
    What do you mean OBC?
    I pretty much know the SID-chip inside out and the examples in the in the user manual are on a very low level.
    Based on my knowledge of the SID-chip and analog subractive sound synthesis in general, I doubt that it's possible to make it output a decent racing car sound.
    Without cheating with samples of course. nono.gif
    Thanks for the tip anyway wink.gif

    Nice conversion.

    @Chip Gracey
    Your VocalTract emulation is awesome i must admit. [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    If I run two SIDcogs at once... one to the left and one to the right... I will have 6 channels to play around with.
    It will be possible to make a C-minor-7th chord and having two channels for additional noice+resonance.
    I'll give it a try.
  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2009-12-28 02:25
    Ahle2 said...

    What do you mean OBC?
    I pretty much know the SID-chip inside out and the examples in the in the user manual are on a very low level.

    It's true and thus might be helpful for those using SIDcog without prior knowledge of
    the SID chip or C64 in general.


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  • Ahle2Ahle2 Posts: 1,179
    edited 2009-12-28 11:21
    Oldbitcollector said...
    Ahle2 said...

    What do you mean OBC?
    I pretty much know the SID-chip inside out and the examples in the in the user manual are on a very low level.
    It's true and thus might be helpful for those using SIDcog without prior knowledge of
    the SID chip or C64 in general.

    I'm sorry OBC.
    I misunderstood your previous reply..
    I didn't understand that you meant that it would help me in the making of a "getting started" documentation.

    Actually I thought that you replied to me when I said "it might not be easy to make the SID sound like a racing car".
    And that you tried to get me to read the documentation so I could understand how to make such a sound blush.gifblush.gif
    Of course the examples and documentations in the user manual are excellent for beginners.

    Here is a TrainSound emulation sounding like the "king of train whistle" used in the USA.
    It has a 5 voice whistle sounding like a G-major 6th choord (GBDEG).

    Post Edited (Ahle2) : 12/28/2009 8:47:57 PM GMT
  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2009-12-30 05:11
    No worries! I'm pleased that SIDcog is getting some well deserved daylight!

    Chapter 10 of the Commodore sight and sound book is also awesome reference
    for someone getting started with SID stuff. I'm hoping I can dig up an online
    copy to share.


    New to the Propeller?

    Visit the: The Propeller Pages @ Warranty Void.
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,230
    edited 2009-12-30 17:04
    @OBC: Please do; I've been looking for any SID programming references that I can find.
  • T&E EngineerT&E Engineer Posts: 1,396
    edited 2009-12-30 17:19
    Aah. This reminds me of the TI SN76477 complex sound generator chip that Radio Shack used to sell. I remember making all kinds of sound effects of which a bomb dropping and explosion was my favorite. Take a look at this link on the LAST page (section 14) for a Steam Engine and Whistle Synthesizer. It uses a 555 timer chip for the whistle and the "choo choo" sounds are from the SN76477 chip.

    ·or the newer smaller SN76488 version with built in audio amp:

    Post Edited (T&E Engineer) : 12/30/2009 5:27:04 PM GMT
  • mikedivmikediv Posts: 825
    edited 2009-12-30 17:41
    Wow I owe some apologies I promised to post pics and finish project but I just never found the time .. It worked perfectly I can not thank everyone enough The train was a big hit with the kids and everyone loved the sound ,, you can see in photos I used 8 Duracell AA batteries and the kids just killed them dead. Thank you all again you guys are my heroes..Ariba and Ahle2 I can not thank you guys enough for the code Ahle2 I ended up using your code and just tweaking it a tad to match the speaker I had There are actually 2 amp stages that I used I ended up using pin 11 and 12 of the prop so I would have one channel going to each amp sort like a stereo sound I can post a sound clip if you guys want to hear it it was excellent . I will have to do a second post with the rest of schematics the website only allows 5 pictures per post

    Post Edited (mikediv) : 12/30/2009 5:47:53 PM GMT
    2272 x 1704 - 1001K
    2272 x 1704 - 995K
    2272 x 1704 - 991K
    746 x 409 - 13K
  • Ahle2Ahle2 Posts: 1,179
    edited 2009-12-30 18:38
    @T&E Engineer
    The "TI SN76477" was actually the sound chip of the original "Space Invader" arcade game. (wiki)
    Compared to the SID(or SIDcog for that matter) it's very limited and isn't suitable for music creation, but it can generate some cool retro sound FX.
    It had one feature that was quite cool for the time. It was the first PSG that featured any kind of FM synthesis.... even before the Yamaha chips that became so popular in the 80s.

    Glad it worked out so well.
    Now I demand a YouTube clip of it in action [noparse];)[/noparse]
  • BRBR Posts: 92
    edited 2011-12-21 17:12
    Its that time of year again. Thought others might like to use this so I'm posting what I've done.

    This is a modified version of Ahle2's previous post...uses a mouse to control the whistle and the train speed. Also have keyboard control of sound volume and tv_text output, though these are optional and not needed to make the demo run. I also modified the train and whistle sounds to suit my taste. It is set up to run on a demo board

    I'd really like to add a bell sound and use the right mouse key to toggle it on and off. Spent some time trying to figure out how to make SIDcog produce a bell sound, but didn't get very far. If anybody has advice on how to generate bell sounds with SIDcog (or a starting point), let me know...I'd like to add this feature.

    Enjoy, and Merry Christmas.


    TrainSound_BR2 - Archive [Date 2011.12.21 Time 20.00].zip
  • PaulPaul Posts: 263
    edited 2011-12-22 07:01
    BR wrote: »
    I'd really like to add a bell sound and use the right mouse key to toggle it on and off. Spent some time trying to figure out how to make SIDcog produce a bell sound, but didn't get very far. If anybody has advice on how to generate bell sounds with SIDcog (or a starting point), let me know...I'd like to add this feature.

    I made some awesome bell sounds with a twin-T filter and an oscillator but that was thirty years ago. Should work on a separate port.

    Merry Christmas,
  • Ahle2Ahle2 Posts: 1,179
    edited 2011-12-22 12:35
    Most C64 games that had "bell sounds" used the ring modulator feature.
    Make a call to "enableRingmod(bool, bool, bool)" to enable one channel to ringmodulate another channel.
    Oscillator synchronization might also give interesting results. (enableSynchronization(bool, bool, bool))

    Btw, download the latest version of SIDcog from the OBEX; Not only does it sound better, but it has also got some nice descriptive comments for all methods.

    I will try this out later tonight!

  • Ahle2Ahle2 Posts: 1,179
    edited 2011-12-22 12:43
    Here is an example of a bell made with ring modulation.

    From 0:28 and onwards
  • BRBR Posts: 92
    edited 2011-12-22 21:13
    Johannes, thanks for the advice. It has been fun playing around with SIDcog trying to figure out the bell sound. Attached is my second attempt...still not very good, but better than my first attempt at least.

    I experimented with the ringmod and synchronization features, but honestly I couldn't tell that they did anything. I think I must not be using them right.

    Is there an easy way to experiment with sidCOG sounds without having to re-download every time a parameter is changed? I'm thinking of a simple setup that perhaps uses Parallax serial terminal to dump all parameters to screen and keyboard input to modify the parameters on the fly.

    EDIT: this version is OBSOLETE...see post #46 below.
  • Ahle2Ahle2 Posts: 1,179
    edited 2011-12-23 00:23
    "Is there an easy way to experiment with sidCOG"

    Yes indeed.... have a look at SIDcog serial player.

    * Connect a Propeller chip with the SIDcog slave running.
    * Launch the Windows GUI (I can compile it for Linux or MacOs as well)
    * Click on the settings tab and enter the correct COM port and Baud rate (115200)
    * Click on the "Direct control" tab to play around with all available parameters of SIDcog.

    Btw, download and use the latest version of SIDcog on the slave.

    (Don't forget to download some christmas sid tunes to play in the SID player tab!! :) )


  • BRBR Posts: 92
    edited 2011-12-24 20:45
    Here's my latest attempt, just in time for Christmas. I added a bell sound, but it is very anemic and needs work. Also cleaned up the code a bit to make it more manageable.

    There are still many things that could be improved, but my toddler (who is a Thomas fan) loves it as it is...and there's always next year. Hope others can enjoy it, too.

    Merry Christmas.
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