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Visualbasic express 2008 to vbe 2010 — Parallax Forums

Visualbasic express 2008 to vbe 2010

icepuckicepuck Posts: 466
edited 2010-11-03 05:50 in General Discussion
Is there a way to import vbe2008 projects to vbe2010? I can load the individual files but it will not build or run the program at all.


  • WildatheartWildatheart Posts: 195
    edited 2010-10-20 19:03
    I lost a great deal of work after accepting the request to convert it from '08 to '10. I stay as far away from '10 as I can.
  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2010-10-21 21:41
    I didn't know there was a vbe10, but initially when I saw this post, my "vbe8 eyes" read it as vbe5 to vbe8, as this was the problem I had. Actually, come to think of it, I had problems with every version of vb to the one above. Also problems with vb6 to vbe. Intriguingly, vb5 to vb6 worked out ok. But I had problems with QB to VB. And MBASIC to QB.

    Actually, come to think of it, over the last 30 years, hardly any Basic programs ported to the next version. I usually ended up starting again.

    Here is my new philosophy: No program will ever port correctly. All programs I write will be distributed both as a compiled version, and as the source code, and a copy of the relevant compiler will also be included.

    Hmm. Is it worth downloading vbe10?
  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    edited 2010-10-21 23:17
    Actually, come to think of it, over the last 30 years, hardly any Basic programs ported to the next version. I usually ended up starting again.
    Good grief, I havn't been into BASIC programming since I left technical school in 1976 so I've never experience that pain. But what a disaster. I'm surprised you did not switch to C or something decades ago.
  • localrogerlocalroger Posts: 3,452
    edited 2010-10-23 20:49
    VB 4, 5, and 6 were pretty good and all upwardly compatible; 4 was even upward compatible from 3, but 3 was a horrid little interpreted thing that ran dog slow. 4 introduced a decent compiler like QuickBasic had in DOS land. If VB had had a DATA statement (WTF Microsoft?) it would have ported QB apps pretty cleanly.

    Microsoft killed professional PC Basic with .NET, which broke compatibility with trillions of lines of existing code without really providing any added value. Anybody who moved to VB.NET instead of C# is an idiot, since they're pretty much the same language except that VB.NET is deliberately crippled to punish you for using Basic I suppose. I personally stuck with VB6 and will stop using it when I can move to something open source, most likely not on Windows either.
  • wjsteelewjsteele Posts: 697
    edited 2010-10-24 05:58
    What are you guys talking about??? Visual Basic 2008 Express projects can easily be opened and run in Visual Basic 2010 Express without modifications!!! The only thing you might have to change is if you're using older APIs that have been changed, but it points out what changed and how to fix it. That's actually quite rare, however, because you can simply switch the Target Libraries back to the older .NET libraries and the problem will go away.

    In fact, since Microsoft switched to the .NET platform, there has never been an issue with upgrading. Simply open up the older project and the IDE will automatically upgrade the solution files for you. If you're using the latest versions, you can even support different versions of the .NET Framework. With 2010, the same app can support multiple versions of the CLR.

    Also, VB.NET is in no way crippled over C#. Everything you can do in one language you can do in the other. There are slight differences in the language sets and features, but there is nothing "crippled."

    Now... just to make it clear, I've been writting code professionally in Visual Basic since way before it was called Visual Basic. I started in their tools back in the Quick Basic and PDS days and then started working for Microsoft on the Visual Basic 1.0 for Windows project (Thunder.) I've never stopped developing software in Visual Basic but I also now develop software in C#. The only reason I do C# is to know both languages when I need to consult or train with somone. There is absolutely nothing you can do in C# that you can't do in VB.NET, or vise versa. The only differences are HOW you do it.

    I think it does a great disservice to this forum and your reputation if you talk down a product without actually knowing anything about it.

  • localrogerlocalroger Posts: 3,452
    edited 2010-10-24 11:39
    wjsteele, I can't speak to the incompatibilities between old and new .NET because I refused categorically to ever use .NET when it was offered as the mandatory "upgrade" from VS6, with which it was most definitely not very compatible. If you did anything remotely creative to overcome the limitations of the older VB versions, porting to .NET was a nightmare. (Admittedly, writing apps from scratch in .NET is probably easier than porting, but when you've got ten years of work to support you really don't want "support" to require re-writing it all.)
  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2010-10-24 15:09
    wjsteele, it sounds like you are our resident expert to help icepuck with the upgrade: viz "I can load the individual files but it will not build or run the program at all."

    I wonder if icepuck could post a zip of the code?
  • wjsteelewjsteele Posts: 697
    edited 2010-10-24 20:16
    I would first try to load the Solution file. It should convert it automatically and give you an upgrade report.

  • wjsteelewjsteele Posts: 697
    edited 2010-10-24 20:21
    localroger wrote: »
    ...but when you've got ten years of work to support you really don't want "support" to require re-writing it all.

    Yep, I understand that. Their (Microsoft's) issue was that they need to make a clean break and move onto a platform that could scale (remember that Internet fad?) The runtime model in Visual Basic (classic) just couldn't do it with it's simple threading model. Also, the upgrade wizards were so so at best at first. Later versions (like in VS 2005) were actually pretty good, however.

    It's a shame you didn't move to .NET, however, I think once you get over that initial hurdle, you'd find out just how powerful the platform is as well as how easy it is to do some great coding.

  • Computer Geek 101Computer Geek 101 Posts: 179
    edited 2010-10-25 05:05
    I have used .Net since the start, and VB since 3.0. When upgrading from version to version of .NET, I usually get some framework "breaking changes" that have to be fixed. Usually these are simple fixes, I have not had any real problems. I dont use the express versions though.
  • localrogerlocalroger Posts: 3,452
    edited 2010-10-25 07:24
    wjsteele, I don't dispute that .NET is probably superior in many ways and was a necessary thing. What I dispute is the necessity of killing VS6 in order to make room for .NET. There are many, many applications that don't need to scale and for which VS6 was entirely adequate, and there was no reason for MS to completely remove support leaving all of those applications needing an often expensive rewrite. After all, the existence of C++ doesn't deprecate C in its entirety.

    The reason Microsoft did that was to force developers who would otherwise have no reason to move to the new platform whether they needed to or not. That was, at best, untrustworthy. What do you think will happen when they get tired of .NET and they want to extract a few hundred bucks from you to move to the Next Bestest Thing Ever?

    At a certain point you have to realize that if you keep hanging out with the same sociopath you will keep finding knife handles sticking out of your back. It doesn't matter how much fun they are to hang out with or how witty they are or how productive they are when they decide not to be stabbing you; they've proven that the one thing you can depend on is that they will stab you again one day. Best to be moving on to different acquaintances.
  • wjsteelewjsteele Posts: 697
    edited 2010-10-25 10:29
    I guess I'm trying to figure out what broke in VB6 that you are forced to move to the new product. The Visual Basic 6 IDE still work just fine and the VB 6 runtime is STILL included with Windows and will continue to be support for at least 10 more years.

    Microsoft has not forced anyone to move to a different platform if they choose not to. They have, however, provided a newer, more modern tool... but again, no one is forced to use it.

  • WildatheartWildatheart Posts: 195
    edited 2010-10-25 10:58
    @wjsteele… Thanks to another member’s effort (Unsoundcode) on these forums, I was encouraged and began working in VB8 again. I am not a VB programmer, however I was satisfied with my efforts to the point of justifying my many hours of time spent developing a record tracking program using the Parallax RFID.

    At some point several months ago an automatic request appeared as I was starting my work in VB8. ‘Do you want to convert your work and upgrade it to VB10?’ Heck, why not? A 10 is always better than an 8! Well… my program not only didn’t run in ’10, but it no longer runs in ’08 either.

    As you say, it is likely that ’10 likely didn’t eat ’08 for lunch that afternoon. You offered a possible simple solution. But my question to you (as one with intimate knowledge from within) is… If the solution is as simple as you pose, why didn’t the author’s of ’10 foresee and allow automatic correction for these simple solutions without our intervention?

    Perhaps they foresaw income from consultation fees after we are left hanging?
  • localrogerlocalroger Posts: 3,452
    edited 2010-10-25 11:31
    wjsteele, while the IDE still runs it is no longer possible to get new legal copies of it. Microsoft won't sell them to you, and if you read the EULA it's technically not legal to install yours on more than one machine. So yes, VS6 programs will continue to run for a long time -- which is why I'm still using it -- but your options for deploying more workstations are now rather limited.
  • wjsteelewjsteele Posts: 697
    edited 2010-10-25 14:30
    If the solution is as simple as you pose, why didn’t the author’s of ’10 foresee and allow automatic correction for these simple solutions without our intervention? ... Perhaps they foresaw income from consultation fees after we are left hanging?

    Actually, I'm not sure what the original problem was that made it not work in the first place. But, the upgrade wizard does allow you to create a backup so that it can be rolled back if something doesn't work. (I highly recommend using that feature every time.)

    As for consulting fees... Microsoft really doesn't have a service like that. We offer free help on those types of issues through the forums and our product support services.

  • wjsteelewjsteele Posts: 697
    edited 2010-10-25 14:39
    localroger wrote: »
    it is no longer possible to get new legal copies of it

    That's not quite right... you can install from the DVD (or CDs) that you already have already... it's just that we're not allowed to "distribute" new copies of it. However, if you want to install a new license, you can simply buy the new Visual Studio and our licensing will allow you to install the older bits instead.

    If I remember correctly, we're not allowed to distribute VS6 because of the Sun Java lawsuit. That product included our implemetation of the Java JVM and tooling and we were bound by the lawsuit to not sell any product that included it... however, selling new versions of VS doesn't apply and you have "downgrade rights" in the new products for the older versions.

  • icepuckicepuck Posts: 466
    edited 2010-10-25 17:52
    I let it make a backup during the conversion but after that the program wouldn't run in vbe08 or vbe10.
    I ended up installing vb6 on win7 to get back to were I was before all this messed up.
    Cutting and pasting from vb6 to vbe10 is probably the worst way to convert but it saved a lot of reentering code.
    After all this hassle I found Lazarus, a vb like ide I'm starting to like.
  • Jim FouchJim Fouch Posts: 395
    edited 2010-10-25 17:55
    I have a 54,000+ line VB program I started in VB .Net 2005. Ported it to 2008 when 2008 came out with no issues. I then recently ported it into 2010 and have had no issues. I'm using a ton of 3rd party components and they all have ported w/ any major issues.
  • wjsteelewjsteele Posts: 697
    edited 2010-10-25 19:04
    icepuck wrote: »
    I let it make a backup during the conversion but after that the program wouldn't run in vbe08 or vbe10.
    I ended up installing vb6 on win7 to get back to were I was before all this messed up.
    Cutting and pasting from vb6 to vbe10 is probably the worst way to convert but it saved a lot of reentering code.
    After all this hassle I found Lazarus, a vb like ide I'm starting to like.

    Oh... I think you're confusing different versions. VB6 and VB8 are two entirely different things. VB6 was not .NET Based... but VB2008 is. (In fact, VB 2008 is actually the fourth version of VB.NET... so you're really skipping a bunch of versions in between.) VB 2010 doesn't have VB Classic upgrade capabilties.

    Classic VB6 code is "barely" compatable with VB.NET... you should go through the upgrade process in VS2005 to make it a .NET based application.

    The one thing you can do is use "COM Interop" instead of modifying the code to make it work, simply use it as it is. .NET Code can easily call into "Classic" VB Code without the need to convert it. Simply add a reference to the libraries (DLLs) and it'll take care of the rest.

  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2010-10-26 01:11
    I found this website invaluable when going from vb6 to .net

    Especially the .doevents and +=

    I made the change from vb6 to .net because .net is free. No other reason really.

    I'm not quite game to make the jump from vb2008 to vb2010. But I guess if there was a compelling reason, like telnet was part of the program instead of almost but not quite doing the job (w3sockets And pset worked (I can't for the life of me work out how to change one pixel in a drawing window in the newer versions of .net, yet older versions of basic did this fine. I spent a day on the internet once trying to find the answer).

    But overall, .net is a better program. I do like the way things from C are finding their way into VB.
  • NWCCTVNWCCTV Posts: 3,629
    edited 2010-11-02 20:57
    Is 2010 Express free like 2008?
  • RDL2004RDL2004 Posts: 2,554
    edited 2010-11-03 05:50
    The "Express" versions are free. They must be registered after 30 days.
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