How to cut headers without looking like a hack job?
Every time i cut a header it always ends up losing a pin and it looks terrible. Is there a way to cut a header without destroying the appeal factor? I usually use these ones from sparkfun...Any ideas?
This what I use for alot of project that I do I hope this helps
I guess it's similar to what Timmoore does also :-)
I've done diagonal cutters and cleanup with an emory board.
Me too (
The shorter SIP headers that take IC pins instead of header pins can usually be split without losing a pin - but they are not comparable to these and can't be used with the same male headers.
The other way I handle it is by buying lots of 8-pin female headers since those are the ones I use the most. Unfortunately, they don't usually stack end-to-end cleanly unless I remove a little material.
As others have said, I always pull a pin out first, then use diagonals to cut and trim it.
Yeah, they do have notches, but here's the caveat from the GG product page:
"NOTE: If you trim them to size, you'll likely lose one socket with each cut."
The problem with female connectors is the thin wall between sections. In order not to lose a pin, you'd have to slice that wall precisely in half, which is nearly impossible to do.
Suppose it depends on the pitch, but you might be able to solder the sacrificial female onto the end of some scrap wire and create your own test leads ? Might be good for plugging in/out of a development board (or even some other female headers)......
I've used many other brands of sockets - the 3m sockets (photo attached, on bottom) look like they might be trim-able, but the plastic is too hard - it shatters on trimming and you lose a socket (those are the ones I sell). I think your best bet is to lose a socket and file down the edge.
I've cut down the ones one the bottom of your picture without and issues and without losing any pins. Just pickup one of the X-acto razor saw w/fixture and you'll see. The saw blade fits perfectly in the small notch and cuts them cleanly. If it didn't work well I wouldn't be recommending it to others on this list.
or search for LFBN-RC and select single row