10-10-10 (101010)

It's not often that particular date itself gets my blood flowing,
I mean, there are dates that all of us remember, like January 1st, 2000, (except of course, January 2nd where everyone tried to return large caches of bottled water, flash lights, and canned meats.) There are days we remember because of an event, (Sept 11th) as well as various minor highlights, like your birthday, Christmas, anniversary (you better remember that one!) and say April 1st.
Then every once in a while an interesting date appears.
Sunday, October 10, 2010. Written in shorthand as 10-10-10, but being the binary person I am, I see 101010. Interestingly enough, the binary number 1010 is equal to decimal 10, but it gets better. The binary number 101010 is equal to decimal 42 which we all know is the answer to life, the universe and everything.
So, in honor of this special day, I intend to do the following this next Sunday.
1) Dig out my copy of Hitchhikers guide and start my re-read of Douglas Adams best work.
2) Head down to the lab for some seriously overdue Propeller time. Perhaps starting with loading a copy of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy from Infocom on my Propeller board with that slick Z-machine emulator for the Prop.
Any special plans?? Speak up!
I mean, there are dates that all of us remember, like January 1st, 2000, (except of course, January 2nd where everyone tried to return large caches of bottled water, flash lights, and canned meats.) There are days we remember because of an event, (Sept 11th) as well as various minor highlights, like your birthday, Christmas, anniversary (you better remember that one!) and say April 1st.
Then every once in a while an interesting date appears.
Sunday, October 10, 2010. Written in shorthand as 10-10-10, but being the binary person I am, I see 101010. Interestingly enough, the binary number 1010 is equal to decimal 10, but it gets better. The binary number 101010 is equal to decimal 42 which we all know is the answer to life, the universe and everything.
So, in honor of this special day, I intend to do the following this next Sunday.
1) Dig out my copy of Hitchhikers guide and start my re-read of Douglas Adams best work.
2) Head down to the lab for some seriously overdue Propeller time. Perhaps starting with loading a copy of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy from Infocom on my Propeller board with that slick Z-machine emulator for the Prop.
Any special plans?? Speak up!
Tis binary month!
He was a flight mechanic on a B-17 and we donated some things to the Museum. One is supposed to be on display and we want to see it turned out.....
In some date notations, the month precedes the day, confusing notation users of the day preceding the month notation. On 10-10-10 it won't matter. Everyone will have the correct notation without any confusion.
IO - IO - IO it's off to work I go
And it'll even _really_ be down a mine....
10-10-11 will be the official 100th anniversary of the Republic of China.
Of course, the Peoples Republic of China has its own point of view about all this. They prefer Oct 1st over Oct 10th and share the 100th year anniversary and share appreciation of Sun Yat Sen the founding father of modern, non-dynastic China. In fact, there was a period where both the Communist and Capitalist had representation in the national political party, the KMT. But due to Stalin feeling that China must first have an industrial revolution before they could have a true communist revolution, the Russians pulled support for their Chinese brothers and the Chinese communist separated from both the KMT and their Russian comrades.
And so, we have 101010, 100110, 101011, and 100111 coming across as significant Chinese political dates.
BTW, the Chinese like double numbers for auspicious events. Chinese Fathers Day is 8-8 of each year, and there are other pairs.
What this has to do with computers, I've no idea. Some people are just hooked on binary, others love Roman numerals.
Maybe Lana will get me some 1010 (binary) year old cheddar for the game...
John R.
I rather wish everyone would adopt the unambiguous and rational (MSB first) 2010.10.10 notation.
That and the Metric system, haha
"10/10/10: They Love Just Thinking About It"
church also has a birthday and will be 10 (10-10-10-10)....
My dad's birthday is also on the 10th (10-10-10-63)
Don't forget that the chap who created the reason for the modern China, was an American, of Chinese descent. Who felt that the country should be liberated from the Imperials........
Sure it is... 101010 = 42!!!! The answer to life, the universe and everything!!!
(Hence the towel reference from EOD_Punk)