Corrected Posts

We have completed a full cycle of re-posting the forums messages from the old forums site to the test server. Please feel free to scan the test site and report back here with an threads or posts that contain broken text or formatting. The test site is located at
We are ready to re-post the old message to the production site now. We want to give everyone an opportunity to examine the results before we proceed.
We are ready to re-post the old message to the production site now. We want to give everyone an opportunity to examine the results before we proceed.
Brought back some memorys also, I ended up rereading some threads.
Not sure if this falls under broken text but one of my posts uses a number of embedded links The first and third bullet points contain broken links (attachment and thread respectively). All other links are fine. Regardless, that's one post I updated since so can probably be ignored.
The test forum was migrated in February. Links in the old forum to posts or attachments created since Feburary have no targets in the test forum, so are broken, as you've noticed. When the conversion is made to the production forum, those same links will be made whole again.
Odd, I was under the impression that they (link targets) were rather old. Doesn't matter right now. Small issues like that - if they persist - can be resolved manually. Thanks.
1. (Attachment #44071. The highest attachment number as of the test forum migration was 39712.)
2. (A post made in April of this year.)
While is is down the forum at Savage Circuits site is a place to continue discussions or ask a question.
I note these things...
1. There appears to be two addresses for the same thread
2. post #14 by Bill has quoted my post. Here, the listing is displaying the html tags <UL>..<LI>..</UL> instead of the bullet points
3. I note my logon name instead of my user name is being displayed.
Otherwise, links, photos and attachments look good.
Thanks for your diligent inspection! Regarding your notes:
1. vBulletin actually has three ways to access a post, in order of increasing specificity:
a) showthread.php?t=<threadno> shows the first page of the specified thread, starting at the top of the thread.
b) showthread.php?p=<postno> shows the targeted post within in its thread context at the top of the screen, and
c) showpost.php?p=<postno> shows a single post by itself.
In the old forum, addressing a specific post was much harder. You had to specify not only the forum number, but also the page number within the thread, then the post number twice.
2.The HTML tags were showing in the old forum, too. There's not much my program can do about stuff like that. It's the old GIGO principle in action.
3. The test site was migrated in February. Login issues and how to display user names were still in flux at that point. Remigration to the production site will not change the way users are shown there.
Thanks! I'm glad you're happy with the conversion! I'm also glad you posted the link, because I found a conversion error in the thread. One of your links didn't get converted. In the old forum, it was embedded as
rather than
which is how virtually all links are formed. Apparently the default.aspx is optional, which fact I was not aware of and my program did not account for. (I guess the word "default" should have been a clue, right?)
Anyway, both the conversion program and your post have now both been fixed.
Here is a link (as above) where I use nested lists. They have all converted correctly