A career in Communications Antenna Maintenance?
For those considering various careers, the video at the following link shows what a job as a communications antenna technician might be like. :smilewinkgrin:
Warning! If you are afraid of heights, fasten the seatbelt on your chair before viewing this video...
Warning! If you are afraid of heights, fasten the seatbelt on your chair before viewing this video...
My hands got sweaty just watching that video.
My hat is off to those workers.
I used to rock climb.
I wonder how much It pays?
No question he is my hero.
I climbed on my roof the other day.... I think I could do this no problem
Seriously though, i'd be so tired by the time i'd got to the top i'd have to go back down for a rest, mind you it would take a miracle to get me up there in the first place.
I'm guesing that if you haven't had a heart attack by the time you reach the ground, you probably won't feel much on impact, or at least not for very long. (meaning no "ouch"...)
These guys are freaking crazy, and probably single (or they didn't tell their wives what they were going to be doing for the day).
From a more serious point of view, there HAS to be a better way to do this. Besides my vertigo kicking in whatching the video, I'm looking at the rust colored areas and thinking "Who's going to take care of that?"
John R.
But along the side was a link to this video which was a riot:
I totally agree with her that typing harder makes your words are more forceful.