Home automation with the javelin stamp
Hi! am a final year computer science student who programs in java but am new to the javelin stamp module and wants to build a home automation system with the javelin stamp.
I need help and suggestions on how I can carry on this task.
Thanks for your replies in advance.
I need help and suggestions on how I can carry on this task.
Thanks for your replies in advance.
The Javelin is "end of life", but it's still a good controller.
I'm programming both the Javelin and the Propeller in Java.
What do you have for your project? Do you have the Javelin Demo Board? The controller?
At home, I'm managing my water tanks with a Javelin, as well as doing some temperature monitoring with many sensors.
I'm also controlling a "cheese aging chamber" with this same Javelin.
What kind of information are you looking for?