The TI MSP430 - Might be great if I could download the compiler!!
I've recently gotten out an old USB eZ430 programmer and have attempted to download the compiler to see how it works, see if I could get a simple program running, etc. However, unlike Parallax which has a nice, clear, "Download IDE here" button Texas Instruments sends you through a maze of links and different options, always trying to pop in a "you can BUY this compiler for the low price of $499" every chance it gets. When I finally get to the FREE compiler I come to a choice between two. One was "Eclipse based" and the other was called "KickStart", so I decided to start with that. I download the 80MB+ file only to discover that the .zip is corrupted! I even did it again with the same results! I then did the "Eclipse based" one and downloaded the 120MB+ file only to get a CPU-eating extraction from the exectuable followed by a failure because I didn't exactly follow one of their confusing steps, and the installation never even started!!
Maybe I've just been spoiled by Parallax's good service and ease-of-use, but isn't this way more complicated then it should be? Downloading the compiler? Come on!
If anyone out there uses this line of microcontrollers, can you please assist me with this?
Maybe I've just been spoiled by Parallax's good service and ease-of-use, but isn't this way more complicated then it should be? Downloading the compiler? Come on!
If anyone out there uses this line of microcontrollers, can you please assist me with this?
I don't see why you had a problem finding the free IAR tools:
I found the page very easily. It was a slow download - about 90 kB/s for 114 Mb taking me about 20 minutes. I didn't have any problems installing it. It looks like your download failed if you only got 80 Mb.