Have a real complete project link
Hi guys I would love to see a real complete project forum where you can actually build the project if you want. It would have complete schematics and software and maybe even a BOM whatever the author wanted to post so a novice or pro could actually follow along and build the same thing
so many people here have so many awesome ideas I can't imagine Parallax not already having this on such a great site I would bet it would increase sales since most of the stuff I buy from you guys is a direct result from forum members using the part and talking about it. Don't belive me just check my account mikediv I can not get enough of the great ideas the guys/gals have here and a real way to build the projects discussed would be icing on the cake.
so many people here have so many awesome ideas I can't imagine Parallax not already having this on such a great site I would bet it would increase sales since most of the stuff I buy from you guys is a direct result from forum members using the part and talking about it. Don't belive me just check my account mikediv I can not get enough of the great ideas the guys/gals have here and a real way to build the projects discussed would be icing on the cake.
The Completed Projects forum is supposed to be for near-finished projects that include schematics, code, bill of materials, photos/videos, and a write-up. Many forum members have posted works in progress and incomplete projects.
Our plan for handling this is by encouraging work in progress to be posted in the most applicable product forum.
And when we upgrade the vBulletin tool we will be able to enable blogs and similar tools so people can document their work in a different format. The features I've seen in the next vBulletin should naturally take care of work in progress by giving everybody a more suitable place to document their ongoing projects.