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Use only one IDE for all Parallax products, and sub-languages — Parallax Forums

Use only one IDE for all Parallax products, and sub-languages

Capt. QuirkCapt. Quirk Posts: 872
edited 2010-09-12 21:14 in General Discussion
There is a real need for a single or master IDE, with broad platform support from Parallax to support their products, customers, and forum member projects. A master IDE that supports plug-ins for gadgets, different languages, simulators, and the ability to customize, or create help, or support pages of all types. Or, if possible an open source project that Parallax maintains the lead role in developing.

A support forum for plug-ins beyond that of Parallax standard languages could be maintained by the project members that develop the plug-in. Parallax could supply a link in the OBEX to the plugin developers, so they can sell their projects. Others may want to keep their plug-ins private, or release it to the public in the OBEX. I see no reason the OBEX needs to be completely no-cost, as a customer supported OBEX, it could be a mixture of public and private (for sale) plug-ins. Parallax could set function and support criteria that a plug-ins must meet in a beta forum release before it is added to the OBEX.

Parallax could reserve the right to suspend a plug-ins release until the project has met forum beta testing goals or Parallax objections. Since forum participation tends to be cyclic, projects could recruit new members to keep a project or support alive. In the case a project goes inactive, it could be put in hibernation (away from public eyes) until project members revive it.

Over the last four years, the number of Propeller only languages has grown beyond anything I thought was possible. Although, proper support for all these scattered languages is impossible. With a master IDE, and the possibility of private financial reward for developing plug-ins for the OBEX. Parallax can steer private development parallel to its own goals of greater industry acceptance and maintain what makes Parallax different.

Bill M.


  • icepuckicepuck Posts: 466
    edited 2010-09-11 18:45
    It would be great if parallax software was linux friendly, I'm getting sick of m$ windows.
  • Peter KG6LSEPeter KG6LSE Posts: 1,383
    edited 2010-09-12 17:19
    same here Icepuck . I would love a common IDE for all parallax products . and have that IDE be cross platform too. MAC and WIN with A DEB and RPM file for Linux .It would be safe to say parallax would cover 95 to 99 % Users by doing this.. most hobbyests I know would love to use that old P4 with linux for there tinker computer in "the shop". cause XP is no longer a current os and a old P4 mostlikely won't handle 7 linux is a obvious choice...
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2010-09-12 18:28
    I'll third the desire for a Linux compatible IDE. I use both Windows and Linux and prefer Linux for programming.
  • ZootZoot Posts: 2,227
    edited 2010-09-12 21:14
    I've brought up a similar idea in other threads. Personally, I think that writing libraries for Wiring would be ideal -- a library for the Stamp, a library for the Prop, maybe even the poor SX.

    The IDE is widely supported in all platforms (PC, Linux, Mac), takes the grunt work of the IDE off of Parallax, and would suck in all the Processing/Wiring users (e.g. Arduino) quite easily. The easy integration with Processing would also make it a snap to write desktop/latpop/mobile apps that play nicely with the embedded work (I'm sorry, but a user shouldn't have to commit to .NET or VisualBasic or Cocoa or Ruby or Python just to write an app that runs on the desktop that communicates with the embedded project -- Processing includes easy builds for 3-D simulators as well as low-level comms and everything in between).

    The open source and FREE nature of these projects is also attractive.
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