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Remigrated Threads on Test Site — Parallax Forums

Remigrated Threads on Test Site

Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
edited 2010-09-12 12:47 in General Discussion
I've started the remigration process on the test site with selected threads. Here are the ones that have have been completed so far: (Etch-a-Sketch) (AM Radio) (Ultimate Language List) (VMCOG) (Morpheus) (Shadow Registers)1 (Prop II On-chip Dev) (Prop II Code compatible?) (Ping))) Tutorial)2 (Educator Courses) (Scan For and Go To Closest Object)3 (Ping)))Dar)4 (Stamp FAQ)

I will add more to this list as they are completed. Please note that where the HTML got butchered in the original forum (e.g. the Ultimate Language List), it will fare no better here.



1. Jim and I both sweat blood over this one. Chip composed the chart with the old forum's Word-style editor under IE. From that, BBdotNet produced an HTML table, which vBulletin does not support. So the table had to be converted to a GIF, then uploaded to the post and put inline where the table existed before. But uploading a new attachment to someone else's post had it's own hornet's nest of challenges. We've just now gotten it figured out. I do hope there are more posts like it to justify the effort. :)

2. Regarding #1, I guess I should be careful what I wish for. Andy's and Jessica's Word-based posts, in addition to having tables autoconverted to images (which worked fine) forced consideration of the margin style within <p> tags. I punted on that one, such that if the top margin is non-zero, extra space is added above and below the paragraph.

3. Wow. Some of that "Stamps in Class" class stuff is heavily Word-based. Times New Roman in code blocks was just not working, so I've had to eliminate font changes in code. The only thing that remains now is color, and it will stay. (I really hope vBulletin doesn't support any of this Word stuff. BBcode is more than expressive enough for any kind of presentation, as the modified posts demonstrate.)

4. After this one migrated without a hitch, I'm pretty sure the Word stuff is under control.


  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2010-09-10 16:39
    I've started the remigration process on the test site with selected threads. Here are the ones that have have been completed so far: (Etch-a-Sketch) (AM Radio) (Ultimate Language List)

    I will add more to this list as they are completed. Please note that where the HTML got butchered in the original forum (e.g. the Ultimate Language List), it will fare no better here.


    Hi Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)

    As long I can see even Pictures have correct sizes

    NICE work.

    Ps. BUT I still see It is restrictions on Picture format sizes (X-Y on new forum) and that is BAD
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2010-09-10 16:53

    The picture sizes are a separate issue which I have no control over. That matter should be taken up in its own thread -- not this one.

  • Jessica UelmenJessica Uelmen Posts: 490
    edited 2010-09-12 10:25
    Hey Phil,

    Regarding number three - yeah major pain in the behind. Trying to post a Stamps in Class 'Mini Project' often felt like a small skirmish in the Education Department's own Battle of Endor.

    But it allowed us to be able to keep each post in the Stamps in Class template, which makes any potential future printing rather easy.

    Thanks for tackling those monstrous posts - they look really great!

    -- Jessica
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2010-09-12 12:47
    Thanks, Jessica! It's been a fun process (!), but I'm glad my part is nearly complete, so I can get back to Propeller programming. :)

    You guys produce some very nice-looking posts, so I hope the conversions remain true to their original intent. (I was almost tempted to convert those
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