If you sell a product that uses a propeller, must you release the code?
First off, i just want to apologize again for posting my previous inquiry on the wrong forum...
I have another question. I guess the title kinda sums it up. If you sell a product that uses a propeller (And objects that use the open source license) do you have to release your code? Or can you only release it upon request? How does one even earn money using open source software?
I have another question. I guess the title kinda sums it up. If you sell a product that uses a propeller (And objects that use the open source license) do you have to release your code? Or can you only release it upon request? How does one even earn money using open source software?
As I read it you can do anything you want with binaries, and don't have to disclose the source code.
5. Do I need to include a copy of the license in the binary image of my application?
A. No, only the source needs to contain the license.
Rich H
The MIT license doesn't require you to license your own code in any particular way. You can make your own code open source / closed source / whatever.
The MIT license is generally considered compatible with the GPL license (see Wikipedia).
There is no such thing as the open source license. There are many different licences. Some more restrictive than others. Some compatible with each other, some not. You should check the licence terms of everything you want to redistribute, commercially or otherwise.
All objects in OBEX are released under that MIT licence which is very friendly toward commercial use. No need to "open" your own addition, changes or applications built on it.
For all other code you find posted here or else where you should just read the attached terms. If there is no copyright notice or licence conditions included you should contact the author and ask.
For all code you find anywhere, including OBEX, you should check the included licence statements, there may be requirements for attribution or whatever in your finished product for example.
Who said open source software was about making money?
Some licences, BSD, MIT, etc don't mind if you do. Others like GPL don't mind if you do either but their terms make it a bit tricky to pull off.
Anyway, RedHat, Google, Nokia and all those manufacturers of Android based phones seem to be making money for example. Thousands of embedded system providers have been using the open source GPL/LGPL Linux operating system and tools very successfully for a long time.
A prime example of this is Google, who uses a lot of open code to offer a service to people. They never distribute their code, just the products of it.
Examples of value are:
-hardware product(your query)
-support(when it breaks, help!)
-consulting(assist people in using the code)
-data sets(perhaps a game is open, but the level data isn't)
-convenience (perhaps you package, compile, etc...)
-maintenance (somebody pays you to improve the code)
-goods and services (the google, amazon models)
-documentation(O'reilly Publishing)
-criticism(paid pundit, or visionary)
-authoring(somebody wants more open code)
-legal(keep people outta trouble with the code)