Best ebay purchase ever

Looking back through posts here, it seems like people sometimes mention good buys or favorite purchases.
This is the coolest thing I ever bought from ebay. I can't recommend it too highly. It is perfect for star gazing. The beam is easily visible through the atmosphere. It comes with both disposable and rechargeable lithium cells of different sizes. The removable center barrel accommodates either size. Quality is outstanding. Intensity is amazing.
One word of caution: Don't aim it at people or highly reflective surfaces! I warned you.
This is the coolest thing I ever bought from ebay. I can't recommend it too highly. It is perfect for star gazing. The beam is easily visible through the atmosphere. It comes with both disposable and rechargeable lithium cells of different sizes. The removable center barrel accommodates either size. Quality is outstanding. Intensity is amazing.
One word of caution: Don't aim it at people or highly reflective surfaces! I warned you.
I love it!
Also, what's up with the 60/5 second duty cycle ?
I've had on of these 1 watt blue lasers on order since June. Still waiting...
Good luck getting your merchandise. It's a Hong Kong company, and there are U.S. import restrictions on that class of laser. Here's the warning that DealExtreme (Hong Kong) posts on their high-power laser pages:
LOL! I wonder if they put the 5mW boiler plate there to avoid import restrictions. But there is no way this laser is 5 mW. 500 mW maybe.
Just now I grabbed an ammeter. There is 1.3 W going into the laser head with a partly-discharged lithium cell. I don't know what the efficiency is. All I can say that the beam is very impressive after dark. It isn't just kids ooing and ahhing. It surprises me how many adults get all jiggy.
For pointing out stars, planets, and constellations, it can't be beat. Can't count how many times I've pointed out fiery red Antares in the constellation Scorpius, or shown that if you follow the handle of the Big Dipper, you end up at Arcturus. Then my eldest daughter shows everyone up by pointing out nearly every constellation in the sky. (What motivates an attractive teen-age girl to memorize a star chart?!)
It seems crazy that in the vast interior of Australia you can't point a laser at the sky. Laws like that give legislatures a bad name.
and I will no longer reck DVD players trying to get a laser that will lite a match I also have a few Axim kits that are no better than a 2 dollar laser pointer ... Bean can you let us know if you get yours?