Now this is a watch I need!

Check out this new watch from Devon Works. The micro mechanical engineering involved is phenomenal.
Be sure to click on the gallery and video. The gallery has high-res graphics to download and the 37 second video is very well done.
Be sure to click on the gallery and video. The gallery has high-res graphics to download and the 37 second video is very well done.
Like a car with only one pair of wheels!
You mean 0 to 23, maybe?
Of course, sorry. From 0 to 23.
When I look at my clock on the kitchen wall, that one does also count from 1 to 12.
But my computer clock displays 22:27 right now. Thats the standard way to tell the time here in Norway. Why do they still make 12-hours wall-clocks?
OK, the watch is really cool..... absurdly expensive, but very cool. It's obviously not meant for the average guy. I seriously must take issue with the "Bulletproof" claim for the face. I mean really. 0.030" PC is NOT bulletproof..... Maybe rubber-band gun proof. Why is PC always "Bulletproof"??? Heck it takes like 1/2" thick material to stop a .22!