*Giveaway* 5 Memsic Dual-Axis Accelerometer
I have 5 Memsic Dual-Axis Accelerometers on my desk and they're not allowed to stay here, as usual I'm giving them away. I'm told they're meant to measure movement, so let's help them achieve that goal by moving them to new homes. Comment on the thread below; giveaway ends on 09/07/10 @2pm. More details on the first comment. Also, more info about the product: http://www.parallax.com/tabid/755/ProductID/93/List/0/Default.aspx
This contest will run until September 7th, 2010 at 2:00pm PDT. Winning participants, from the Discussion Forums or our Facebook page, within the United States are eligible for free ground shipping. International contest winners will be asked to pay the cost of shipping their prize (and any applicable duties/taxes/etc.). Winners will be chosen at random.
This contest will run until September 7th, 2010 at 2:00pm PDT. Winning participants, from the Discussion Forums or our Facebook page, within the United States are eligible for free ground shipping. International contest winners will be asked to pay the cost of shipping their prize (and any applicable duties/taxes/etc.). Winners will be chosen at random.
John Abshier
Succeeded! Phew
@erco - someone with those beautiful daughters could never be considered dark.
Please !!