How could I expand the display area for graphics.spin using ray's 4.3 touchscreen
Hi, I am trying to use graphics.spin with ray's 4.3 touchscreen and I am using his example that he provides as a guide, but how do I expand the size of the display area, I am confined to a little box. I have been trying several different ways, but I either get gibberish off to the sides(probably overwriting something?) or I am not able to print to the part I add on. Could someone show me how to expand the display area.
Thank you,
Thank you,
I suppose options are 1-bit graphics or fat (double) pixels. I think Ariba provided us with these drivers. I think I've posted them on my website.
I have the same basic question.
The links from your site back into the forum are broken. I looked around and can't find anything.
I am a long time fan of your work and have the same issue. I am trying to use the 4.3" touch screen (which I got from Nick at a priorExpo) with a new version of my PropPhone, .
By the way... the 4.3" touch-screen and break-out board are fabulous. Mine didn't require any calibration, and with the provided examples, it is realtively easy to hack.
However, my hack leaves my touch-screen qwerty keyboard a little dodgy.
It sounds like you have moved on to other projects ... when you have a free moment... I would love to see proper code for a dense touch screen array of buttons. You show a full screen image of your kids... but it isn't clear how you achieved it.
Also, I would love to see you offer a low-power touch screen ntsc module.
Used 4 colors for the various border, menu, trace and marker items. Not double-buffered, as this 320 x 240 LCD used 9.6K of RAM as is. Everything but the A/D, and D/A for simulated input waveform, is done in Spin; as the input signal is a rather slow rate.
For some reason the attachment didn't ATTACH. Hope it does this time.
There are many other useful drivers in this long thread.
yeah i want to utilize the full screen, but i think Ariba's driver might do the trick.
Thank you,
Is that 'little box' defined in the CON section? Like so many tiles wide x so many high? If so that should be redefined. I'm assuming you see a box much smaller than the screen area?
I used PTP Paint source as my beginning file. First comment out what's not needed; keep for a while until know you really don't need. Keep editing out what's not going to be needed. That might eliminate some of the VARs that used to be used, too.
Then begin to try various things to enlarge that 'box' to full screen, or larger than now is. I don't know your application, but I suppose you are aware that generally only 4 colors can be used at one time. They can be changed for some others later on in the program if needed.
It may be more than just a change of driver. I don't know what program you are referring to, so can't help much beyond this.
Thank you,
Even though I purchased a couple of 4.3" LCD from you many months ago, I am just getting around to gathering the documentation around it. The PSB demos, etc and in the process do not find a schematic or other diagram of how the Breakout board should connect to a Prop. And the Search function found nothing about any 4.3" LCD threads. Guess that got lost in the big bad move?!
Is there any reference to where such a connection diagram, and [schematic of the breakout board can downloaded? I didn't notice it on your website on the PSB. Thanks in advance.
I need better documentation for these screens...
There is a long thread somewhere where how to hook up the screen is discussed.
Or, you could look on my website for the PSB schematics. Then, you can copy how that is wired...
If you don't need graphics and are OK just writing ROM font characters, then I think there's a modified VGA_TEXT example for these screens. That might be a much simpler starting point...
I looked at your website. It shows a photo of the breakout board, but NO reference to a schematic or how it should connect to a Prop. I find links to the old forum NOT working, at least from your web site. So if the desired documentation existed on the old forum and didn't get transferred over to the new, did it get lost? Bummer if so. One bad move.
I did find in my folder on the 4.3"Lcd, a listing for the breakout board signals, J1 pin numbering and Prop Axx pin designations. I suppose that will have to do. It sure would be nice to also have a schematic of the breakout board to complete the documentation. Are the other connection zones required besides J1; I note FIVE zones but not sure what should be connected on the others besides J1.
Here's the basic way to hook it up:
HSync,VSync and the colors R1,R0,B1,B0,G1,G0 have to connected the same way as with a VGA output. That is, they have to be on either P0..P7, P8..P16, or P17..P24. Also, they have to be in the same order as with VGA.
You can hook up I2C's SDA and SCL to the existing I2C bus on pins 28&29.
The other control pins can be hooked up anywhere, but you have to make sure the driver files reflect your choices.
It is possible to connect BL and DON together to save a pin.
Connect VBL and VDD to 3.3 VDC. Connect all the GND to ground.
When I went to the /PSB.htm website, I note that there is a board called PSB; I wasn't aware about that. But I find NO schematic for the Breakout board there.
Actually I was hoping for the Breakout board I bought for the 4.3" LCD. When I looked at the four PSB schematics, I would imagine part of the Breakout board would have a schematic similar to page 3. Is that close? Of course, there are the four other Jx zones that are undefined.
Hopefully you do have a schematic for the 4.3" LCD Breakout board.
3. post on this page: for the schematic.
(I have posted a link to this thread in my previous post here.)
This is on the old forum.
If you see the same thread transfered to the new forum, I must admit that it was a bad move... (but the schematic is also OK).
Harley, the PSB schematics are on that page, all the way at the bottom as pictures...
Just click one any of the thumbnails to make it full size...
I finally found the breakout schematic, which was what I needed to document what I have hardware-wise.