What's your favorite tech blog?
I'm sitting here this morning reading my favorite blogs.
If you have a favorite one please post the link here.
I always feel like I'm missing something because there
are so many tech blogs now that you can't sample them
My favorite is
And while we are at this what good tech books are you
reading now?
This book is very interesting but difficult to get through.
I keep having to reread sections because I suddenly realize
I didn't understand it at all. I think you need a pretty rigorous
scientific background to make this easy reading.
Mind, Matter and the Implicate Order - P. Pylkkanen
I'm not actually reading these titles from cover to cover
I'm just jumping around reading bits that seem interesting.
Microcontrollers in Practice M. Mitescu I. Susnea
Video Demystified -Handbook for the Digital Engineer 3rd ed. - K. Jack
Practical Embedded Security T. Stapko
Ambient Intelligence - Impact On Embedded System Design T. Basten
If you have a favorite one please post the link here.
I always feel like I'm missing something because there
are so many tech blogs now that you can't sample them
My favorite is
And while we are at this what good tech books are you
reading now?
This book is very interesting but difficult to get through.
I keep having to reread sections because I suddenly realize
I didn't understand it at all. I think you need a pretty rigorous
scientific background to make this easy reading.
Mind, Matter and the Implicate Order - P. Pylkkanen
I'm not actually reading these titles from cover to cover
I'm just jumping around reading bits that seem interesting.
Microcontrollers in Practice M. Mitescu I. Susnea
Video Demystified -Handbook for the Digital Engineer 3rd ed. - K. Jack
Practical Embedded Security T. Stapko
Ambient Intelligence - Impact On Embedded System Design T. Basten
An older but interesting book is ""The Puzzle Palace: Inside the National Security Agency". Then at the following link are a couple of other related books...
ZDP depletion and GM oil life monitor. Newer GM vehicles tell you when it is time to change the engine oil. There is no "sensor" for this, rather it is a calculation having to do with zinc dialkyldithiophosphate, vehicle operating temperature, start up temperature, soak times, ambient temperature, coolant temperature, etc...
Dave Feldman's Imponderables books such as...
"When Did Wild Poodles Roam the Earth?"...
In the game of pool (billiards), you can hit the white "cue ball" on the left or right side (called english), this causes the ball to spin, then when that ball contacts a rail after hitting a ball, it is still spinning... And this spin causes it to change the direction it will travel after hitting the rail. Thus you can get the cue ball to go where you want after a particular shot - like to a handy spot to shoot your next shot. But shooting in this manner causes "cue ball deflection" or "squirt". Here the "Einstein" of billiards has written a technical paper all about this. "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Cue Ball Squirt, But Were Afraid to Ask"...
And based on that paper, they make "low end mass" pool cues like these...
On parasitic electric loads (electronic things which are always "on") - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Leaking Electricity: Individual Field Measurement of Consumer Electronics...
Can an electric utility run just one electric wire and use the earth (ground) as a return wire? Yes! "Single-wire earth return"...
Sacrificial anode rods. What keeps water heaters from rusting out?...
Cathodic Protection on boats...
Uncle John's Supremely Satisfying Bathroom Reader...
World wide search for used books for sale...
and BotJunkie - http://www.botjunkie.com/ Robotics' news
Both have some more mature content at times though...
Like Whit I also like eevblog. And others in no particular order that might peak your interest(if u dont already read) are : http://www.adafruit.com/blog, http://slashdot.org/ , http://letsmakerobots.com/ , http://robots.net/ , http://blog.trossenrobotics.com/ , http://hackaday.com/ , http://www.sparkfun.com/ , and good old http://gizmodo.com/
So there
I found the blog from the following links and I think the reason I like ted.com is because the speeches are based on scientific introspection. I think their audience may be those who run companies or colleges and universities.
Dan Ariely asks, Are we in control of our decisions?
Changing Economic Behaviour
I notice that Amazon has used copies for 1 cent. For a used bathroom reader, that may still be too much.