Silly me!
Can someone out there lend me a hand? I am using prop basic to listen to the POLSTAR GPS 688 that I purchased from Parallax. I can get the NMEA strings and debug them fine. What I can't figure out is how to set the info up in a string to seperate it and decode it. The Syntax guide tells me how to do it but the info given isn't complete enough for me to understand. I have tried many things but keep getting compile errors that tell me that the SYNTAX is wrong (ie-ABS, string1 = LEFT string2,count, same for right etc. don't work as per SYNTAX guide). I thought that taking projects from the BS2 line and using the prop basic would be easy. My bad.
I have both the 97' syntax guide and the new one from you that has "preview" ghosted on the pages. These are the most current, right? If not, please let me know where and how to get the latest versions. Thanks again!
I really like this one:
You'll find a GPS parsing object, and you can adapt it to send string to the terminal or anything else....
or maybe this one:
Or this..
and his big brother..
They are objects to be used with spin (they can probably be used with pbasic using the dispatcher), but they are a good start.