MPPT contest, what happened?
I've been waiting with bated breath to see the outcome of the MPPT contest in the hopes a somewhat simple MPPT design will emerge. Any word?
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I have been waiting also. ... I had 5 entrants that submitted their initial brief design description, and I issued each of them a project number. However nobody followed up with their project Submission meeting the deadline June 30th, 2010 at 12:00 pm PACIFIC STANDARD TIME
Winners were to be notified last Friday (July 30th, 2010) , but since I hadn't received any project submissions, I have had nothing to judge. I have been trying to figure out how to award if any the prizes that were supposed to be allocated.
My initial thought was since we have 5 entrants and essentially 5 places to be awarded to just allocate the prizes in the order that I received the initial brief descriptions, but what fun is that? That would be like giving out a grade for a test that was never taken.
Any ideas on a fair way to handle this would be welcome.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
What a bummer! I was really hoping for something I could copy. I just bought another 550W of panels for my place and I'm goign to have to figure out a controller. I could just buy one, but what is the fun in that?
I hate to say it, but I cna't see handing out prizes with no actual submissions. Unless I can submit a design description and win. :-0
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John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log
I missed the deadline for project numbers so I couldn't participate - but I wanted to.
I'm thinking like Tim..... I got started late, yet got a ways along the project, and then some urgent business and UPEW got in the way. If it were re-opened for at least a few weeks, I will commit to putting in an entry.
Peter (pjv)
The reason the initial dates were chosen, mainly was because it was right at the solar peak time of year where the Earth gets the most solar radiation and I thought it would be good for testing if the weather also cooperated. Fall is just around the corner and the amount of available solar energy will soon take a nose dive.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Only in your hemisphere!
"I mean, if I went around sayin' I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me they'd put me away!"
I was one of the entrants. Thanks for organising it, it certainly kicked along my solar activities and got me thinking about what a single cell could used good for. I just assumed there would be a lot more entries and my entry would not be missed, plus mine was more of a "MPPT measuring/display device" than actual MPPT converter (which I was planning for "phase 2"). Having UPEW the weekend before submissions due turned out to be quite a distraction, with all the good quality presentations on the streaming video live from UPEW.
As for sunlight... it was very dark here down under during submission week! Whenever the sun broke through I'd rush outside with the DMM. Perhaps you could aim for an equinox next time in the interests of global fairness
I too would like to see the contest run again at some point in the future. These contests are good for pushing designs along, even if they don't get to submission stage, thats a headstart for the next time 'round. Plus I'm sure there are a lot of parallax sales associated with the contests
I also think this is one of the reasons Solar isn't overwhelmingly popular - it's comonly tought of as a "summer-only" power source...