In my experience, building the robot is the easy part.· The hard part is programming it.
Edit: Sorry, I just noticed you name the robot in your subject.· They do have code to download on the right side of the page.
What are you using to control it?·· It looks like they have code for a Basic Stamp2.· I don't think they have code for a Propeller.· If you are using a Propeller to control it, you'll want to download·a servo control·object from from OBEX.· There is·an object that can control up to 32 servos with one Propeller.··I think the SG6·uses servos controlled the normal way (PWM).· The Dynamixel servos aren't driven the same as normal hobby servos but I don't think that's an issue here.
Post Edited (Duane Degn) : 8/3/2010 8:47:42 PM GMT
The propeller-servo-controller is meant as easy to use interface to send serial commands from something else to the propeller-servo-controller
But of course you can modify the firmware of the propeller-servo-controller to do more than just receive and obey serial commands.
If you have no experience in SPIN I recommend starting with the PC-software
Thanks Duane and Stefan, your input is very much appreciated.
Have either of you programed this beast? I'm working with the code, but when it comes time to run the program, its riddled with syntax errors.
First example, this --> #IF ($stamp = BS2SX) OR (BS2P) #THEN
Baud CON 1021
comes back as an error.First, what does this mean, and second, I'm running it through Stamp BS2p, version 2.5, and I already have that directive established, so I don't understand why I have to reiterate that.
Second, when I'm defining, for example, array(baseBit)= 90, is that what goes into the editor? or do I need to adjust this to use on my crust crawler?
I'm following the program, and I understand what its trying to do, but I don't understand how to manipulate the program to run the crust crawler.
Man, I wrote this code for CrustCrawler a long long time ago.
First off you're in the wrong forum. Post in the Robotics or Basic STAMP forums. The folks here are expecting you to have a Propeller. I realize that you might have a Prop PSC but we're all thinking SPIN and PASM not PSC.
You're questions can be answered by looking up the info in the help file and reading the code comments. There are a lot of comments and the comments explain each line of code, Did you read them?
The construct
#IF ($stamp = BS2SX) OR ($stamp = BS2P) #THEN
Baud CON 1021 ' BS2p 2400 baud
Baud CON 33164 ' BS2 2400 baud
Is a compiler directive that checks to see what kind of STAMP you have then loads the correct baud value. The SG started out with a BS2 and was upgraded to a BS2p. It also went from a 2 servo shoulder to one servo.
There is often code for robots on there website.·
In my experience, building the robot is the easy part.· The hard part is programming it.
Edit: Sorry, I just noticed you name the robot in your subject.· They do have code to download on the right side of the page.
What are you using to control it?·· It looks like they have code for a Basic Stamp2.· I don't think they have code for a Propeller.· If you are using a Propeller to control it, you'll want to download·a servo control·object from from OBEX.· There is·an object that can control up to 32 servos with one Propeller.··I think the SG6·uses servos controlled the normal way (PWM).· The Dynamixel servos aren't driven the same as normal hobby servos but I don't think that's an issue here.
Post Edited (Duane Degn) : 8/3/2010 8:47:42 PM GMT
Now you have to specify how you want to control the robot-arm
By using a PC Parallax Servo Controller Interface
(download link on the Crustcrawler SG6 site
or by another propeller-board?
The propeller-servo-controller is meant as easy to use interface to send serial commands from something else to the propeller-servo-controller
But of course you can modify the firmware of the propeller-servo-controller to do more than just receive and obey serial commands.
If you have no experience in SPIN I recommend starting with the PC-software
best regards
Have either of you programed this beast? I'm working with the code, but when it comes time to run the program, its riddled with syntax errors.
First example, this --> #IF ($stamp = BS2SX) OR (BS2P) #THEN
Baud CON 1021
comes back as an error.First, what does this mean, and second, I'm running it through Stamp BS2p, version 2.5, and I already have that directive established, so I don't understand why I have to reiterate that.
Second, when I'm defining, for example, array(baseBit)= 90, is that what goes into the editor? or do I need to adjust this to use on my crust crawler?
I'm following the program, and I understand what its trying to do, but I don't understand how to manipulate the program to run the crust crawler.
Again, any advice is appreciated!
I haven't programmed this robot.
To make things clear: can you please post the EXACT name of the controllerboard
that you are using?
If YOU can provide a manual about the used servocontroller I'm sure that I can help
without that no chance!
best regards
First off you're in the wrong forum. Post in the Robotics or Basic STAMP forums. The folks here are expecting you to have a Propeller. I realize that you might have a Prop PSC but we're all thinking SPIN and PASM not PSC.
You're questions can be answered by looking up the info in the help file and reading the code comments. There are a lot of comments and the comments explain each line of code, Did you read them?
The construct
Is a compiler directive that checks to see what kind of STAMP you have then loads the correct baud value. The SG started out with a BS2 and was upgraded to a BS2p. It also went from a 2 servo shoulder to one servo.