QTI with msr1?
Has anyone had any success using the two?
I tried quite a few things but the values would not update.
qti sensor
And was using this object:
I used rctime to run this and got no results. I tried pulling the signal high and low just to get something out of it with the msr1 but that did not do anything either.
I ran it on a bs2 board and it worked.
Post Edited (p00ndawg) : 7/22/2010 1:51:28 PM GMT
I tried quite a few things but the values would not update.
qti sensor
And was using this object:
I used rctime to run this and got no results. I tried pulling the signal high and low just to get something out of it with the msr1 but that did not do anything either.
I ran it on a bs2 board and it worked.
Post Edited (p00ndawg) : 7/22/2010 1:51:28 PM GMT
Leon Heller
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
I will give an example how I think a good "I did my part"-posting looks like:
copy&paste the productdescription form the parallax store
The QTI Sensor is an infrared emitter/receiver that is able to differentiate between a dark surface) with low IR reflectivity)
and a light surface (with high IR reflectivity). These little sensors can be very handy for line following, maze navigation, or
sensing the outer rim of a SumoBot ring. Wiring options allow it to be used digitally for fast black/white line following, or as
an analog sensor to detect different shades of gray. A daylight filter is built into the sensor.
link to QTI Sensor
here is the QTI-sensor manual
The msr1 is the Propeller Robot Control Board
manual of the msr1
schematic of the msr1
I have connected the QTI-sensor too the MSR1-board at connector ...... like shown in the schematic of the attached picture (your schematic with addtional markings where you connected the sensor)
I'm using the QTI-sensor with the Octal QTI Line Sensor Driver object from the obex.
I'm trying to use the sensor with the attached code (your COMPLETE code attached as a proptool-archive to the posting)
Well - this prepares forum-members very well to analyse what's wrong with your setup.
Nobody is forced to click on any link and read additional information. Every reader CAN do it easily
best regards
I should probably use preview.
Post Edited (p00ndawg) : 7/22/2010 1:52:23 PM GMT
Leon Heller
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Thus your going to need to directly connect the propeller chip's I/O pins to the QTI line sensors and power the sensors with 3.3V.
What I did was I made port A (pins 0 -7) on the MSR1 connect to the QTI line sensors. First, note that the QTI line sensors are wired akwardly so you'll need to change the pin positions in QTI line sensor headers. After that you have to disable the voltage translators and then solder wires from behind the voltage translators (near the prop) to the pin connectors on the output of the MRS1.
Bascially its a bit of soldering on the MSR1 board that needs to be done.
Post Edited (Kye) : 7/22/2010 2:25:08 PM GMT
if not use the description of the picture to ATTACH your spin-fileS to a posting
best regards
Thanks for the help.
For your reading pleasure, How to safley interface a 5 volt signal to the Propeller: