Self-Made Prop-Plug only works sometimes...
I've made a serial programmer with a PL2303 chip for USB-RS232 conversion, a MAX3232 for levelshifting and and a BC547 transistor on the reset-line.
Schematics are easy, the PL2303 works fine, he could not be the problem. The MAX3232 is connected like this
The BC547 is connected like this:

Base ----| R=1K |
> serial DTR (pin 4)
Emmiter ----> GND
Collector ----> Reset
If i change E to C and C to E it works also, i'm wondering why, shouldn't there be a diode in a transistor?
Now the problem, if i press F7 (identify hardware) in the propeller tool, sometimes it works and sometimes he tells me, theres no propeller chip.
I'm very very new to the propeller, i even didn't some playing around with leds and the propeller etc. [noparse];)[/noparse]
Does anyone know what causes this (bad) behaviour?
Schematics are easy, the PL2303 works fine, he could not be the problem. The MAX3232 is connected like this
The BC547 is connected like this:

Base ----| R=1K |
> serial DTR (pin 4)
Emmiter ----> GND
Collector ----> Reset
If i change E to C and C to E it works also, i'm wondering why, shouldn't there be a diode in a transistor?
Now the problem, if i press F7 (identify hardware) in the propeller tool, sometimes it works and sometimes he tells me, theres no propeller chip.
I'm very very new to the propeller, i even didn't some playing around with leds and the propeller etc. [noparse];)[/noparse]
Does anyone know what causes this (bad) behaviour?
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You're right, theres a cap and a resistor. The resistor (10k) pulls the base down while the cap is loaded, while loading theres a high-pulse. I thought this would'nt be neccessary and i tried it on my breadboard with the cap and the pulldown and it was the same behaviour.
Looking at the circuit you posted the reset line will be triggered from the opposite DTR edge to what we normally use since we are using an inverted DTR. We don't have a series 10K with the cap either.
So, if it does not work with the cap then try taking the DTR via the MAX3232 and then into the cap and then to the base of the transistor. A 10K pull down should be fine but no 10K in series with the cap.
Links to other interesting threads:
· Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBlade,·RamBlade,·SixBlade, website
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The three transistor cct is the one I use, I tried to be a bit more of a purist and did a MAX3232 (3 V version ) and the inverting transistor for ther resets.
The MAX cct will give true '232 voltages in and OUT, whereas the transistors rely on the volts supplied from the PC. The cct I copied for the MAX was from a thread about 9 months ago and stated the P30,P31 reversed (or I read it so ). I now put three jumpers on my interface two so that RX and TX can be swapped over, and a disconnect for the reset line so that comms won't cause resets when you dont want them.
As with the Elektor artical I copied, I use 5 wires GND, 3.3V, Rx, TX, and Reset.
PS I have just thought, sometimes I get "No prop found" for the first time of trying, cancell and try again and there it is, BST seems to find it always.
Style and grace : Nil point
Post Edited (Toby Seckshund) : 12/27/2009 9:38:17 PM GMT
Oh I used a .22 mylar