About FullDuplexSerialPlus-object
Hello Guys.
I have question about FullDuplexSerialPlus-object.
I write code( LED blink ) included FullDuplexSerialPlus-object. And loaded it to RAM, it operated it.
But I loaded it eeprom, and I removed Demo-board from PC.
After reset, LED don't blink.
When Demo-board connected to PC again, LED blink and PST received data.
Why its code not operate when disconnected PC?
I have question about FullDuplexSerialPlus-object.
I write code( LED blink ) included FullDuplexSerialPlus-object. And loaded it to RAM, it operated it.
But I loaded it eeprom, and I removed Demo-board from PC.
After reset, LED don't blink.
When Demo-board connected to PC again, LED blink and PST received data.
Why its code not operate when disconnected PC?
If you are receiving data from the PST and the Demo board is not connected then the
FullDuplex serial will wait for ever for input to come and since you are not connected then
it won't come and the Propeller will appear to be hung.
Also if you are sending then of course if you are not connected then there will be no
sending happening.
If you post your code we can get a better idea and thus be able to have a more informed
opinion as to what is going wrong.
Code is below:
I changed code below:
LED is blinking connecting PC. But LED is not blinking after disconnecting PC and reset.
Have a look at this thread http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?p=847290
I use Demo-board(Item code 32100)
I also tried same code on proto-board(Item code 32212).
Disconnected PC, LED is not blinking.
I tested your code on my PPDB and it works just fine with and without conection to the PC
You mentioned that you loaded the code to RAM
If you DISconnect from the PC this might cause a reset on the propeller which makes the prop boot from the EEPROM
then your program in RAM is gone
Try and load your original code to the EEPROM and test again
The EEPROM has 100.000 writecycles this means:
If you work with the prop ALL days 9 hours per day loading a new codeversion EVERY 2 Minutes (30 times in 60 minutes) into the EEPROM
100000 / 9 / 30 = 370
The endurance of the EEPROM is more than one year. Now imagine what is realistic about working with the prop and how often
you load new code into the EEPROM.
best regards
My demo-board and proto-board operate well to load another code on eeprom.
But code inculded FullDeplexSerialPlus does not operate.
I use Windows Vista (localized Japanese) on Dell.
Propeller-Tool has many problem in Windows Vista (localized Japanese) on Dell.
This may be only Japanese OS's problem.
Post Edited (caskaz) : 12/26/2009 8:30:57 AM GMT
I loaded the above code you gave into EEPROM (F11) and then turned the·PDB off and disconnected it
and then turned the PDB back on and the LED blinked perfectly.
I then turned the PDB off again and connected it to the PC and then started the PST and then turned the
PDB on again and I had the LED blinking perfectly and the PST showed the word "start" and then the numbers
012345.....·just as expected.
Conclusion.....there is nothing wrong with the program.......and it works just the same Connected and Disconnected
from the PC.
Of course....I am sure you know....that when it is disconnected form the PC it won't be able to send data to the PC.
I cannot see what is the problem.....the only thing I can think of is that you are disconnecting from the PC while
the PDB is still on.....this may cause some NOISE that makes the propeller jitter or something. But even then
that is not a problem on my PDB...I tried it....it just continued to work by blinking the LED......
Maybe there is something wrong with your PDB...... Japanese Vista or any other Vista would not be an issue
especially if you are not even connected to the PC.
I just had a thought.....maybe·while you are disconnecting the PDB you are somehow also
interrupting the power supply.....check that the PDB is still getting power....
I suggest that after you program the EEPROM that you turn the PDB off....disconnect from
the PC....then turn back on.....watch the Green Power LED make sure it is on.
The program you gave with the Serial stuff still it works perfectly as intended with the PDB
connected to the PC and works still perfectly also unconnected from the PC but of course
only the LED will be blinking and no serial output is observable since it is not connected.
Post Edited (SamMishal) : 12/26/2009 12:27:40 PM GMT
I install WindowsXP(for Japanese) to remove Linux on another PC.
And I tried same code. I loaded to eeprom. and disconneced PC.
It's fine operating.
Propeller Tool has a many problem on WindowsVista(for Japanese).
There may be only Dell-note(for Japanese).
I was mistake.
Vista and XP (for Japanese) may not be trouble's cause. I have no idea.
This morning, I have same trouble to try again.
I found out Propeller is resetted.
I write to eeprom on protoboard(Item code 32212) and schmartboard(Item code 27150).
Both need Prop-Plug(Item code 32201).
I power on to remove Prop-Plug.
It fine operate.
But connected Prop-Plug, I seem that they are resetted constantly. (it seem that reset-timing is affected at temperature )
Demo-board has FTDI inside board, therfore Demo-board never operate code(debug.dec(n)) .
another object is OK. example tv-text, mx2125, lcd,etc
My trouble is rare case? Only Windows(for Japanese)?
Please teach me its cause.