High-quality headphone audio solution for a Propeller app?
Currently I am planning on using a Microchip MCP4922 DAC to sit between the Prop and the audio amp stage.· However, the amplifier IC I wanted to use has gone into the "Last Time To Order" phase.· All I need is high-quality stereo·headphone output.· Is there a well-known beloved amp out there that will run from a single 3.3V supply?· Do I really need the DAC for high-quality?· What are some high-quality alternatives?
Thoughts are appreciated.· I'm·not an analog kinda guy.
Thoughts are appreciated.· I'm·not an analog kinda guy.
Is there a thread or documentation about how the DAC part of the audio path works?
Piranha are people too.
Is the DIFFERENTIAL submode of the DUTY counter mode used in Chip McGracey's microphone_to_headphone.spin solely to provide TWO audio outputs (cuz the electret mic on the Demo Board is, after all, monaural)?· If there is an already-written explanation about this, please point me to it.· This just looks like PWM to me, but it's some different DUTY thing...idk.
Normal PWM has a constant frequency and only the High-Low ratio changes.
At DUTY mode, the shorter Pulswith (High or Low) is always 1 clock cycle, and the other state (Low or High) is extended,
so that you get the right pulswith. That is the frequency changes with the pulswith.
On 50%:50% you have the highest frequency (40 MHz at 80 MHz system clock!). At 10%:90% you have a frequency of 8 MHz
and at a 16 bit resolution the end values +$7FFF and -$7FFF have a frequency of 4.15 kHz.
This makes this mode ideal for Audio, because quiet signals are around 50% with high frequencies, and loud signals cover the lower PWM frequency.
But there are also downsides: A DUTY output produces a lot of RF noise in the air and on the print.
And High-Quality is very relative. If you have single notes and low signals you will hear some digital noise. If you play music this is normaly not noticable.
Those counters are too cool.· I have attached a .spin program (based off of Chip's microphone_to_headphones.spin) which samples the propeller's built-in sine tables at different angular steps to generate two samples.· These are added together and given to a DUTY mode counter's FRQB at a rate of 44100 Hz.· In my opinion, the playback is high quality.