move data
Background: Out of memory, first 32K. Next 32K open. If I comment out a few lines of graphics in DAT. I regain memory and program runs fine. But, I loose part of the graphics that I commented out. Right now I have commented out lots of line of graphics, because I have added enhancements to the program. I want to move some or all of the DAT block to the 2nd 32K of EEPROM, so I'll have more EEPROM available in the 1st half. But, not sure of best way to do this.
I have a DAT block that looks like this:
See Attachment
Each example has a lot more similar entries.
I want to preserve the exact way they both look, when placed starting at EEPROM address $8000. I'm using a 64K EEPROM with first 32K for the spin program. I have played with Basic_I2C_Driver.spin, and the minimal version. I'm also using TV_Text.spin to see what is happening. I'm not sure if everything is there at the $8000 start, when I start up I2C object. Right now, I have no loop to move all data. I just want to see the first few characters. What I want is just to see the data as raw, placed at the EEPROM location. It seems "word" and "byte" are a problem during the move of data. @cloudy_img or @ftable are in place of @buffer in the minimal i2c
Post Edited (donde) : 12/12/2009 7:21:18 PM GMT
I have a DAT block that looks like this:
See Attachment
Each example has a lot more similar entries.
I want to preserve the exact way they both look, when placed starting at EEPROM address $8000. I'm using a 64K EEPROM with first 32K for the spin program. I have played with Basic_I2C_Driver.spin, and the minimal version. I'm also using TV_Text.spin to see what is happening. I'm not sure if everything is there at the $8000 start, when I start up I2C object. Right now, I have no loop to move all data. I just want to see the first few characters. What I want is just to see the data as raw, placed at the EEPROM location. It seems "word" and "byte" are a problem during the move of data. @cloudy_img or @ftable are in place of @buffer in the minimal i2c
Post Edited (donde) : 12/12/2009 7:21:18 PM GMT
It would be helpful for you to try to write down (and post) what your program would look like given the example in the comments of "Basic_I2C_Driver", then ask specific questions on what you wrote (and posted).
Indented tv.dec in error.
Post Edited (donde) : 12/13/2009 1:28:04 AM GMT
2) Your display statements (tv.dec) display the address of the variable, not the actual data itself. You need a loop of some kind, something like:
repeat i from 0 to 15 tv.dec(cloudy_img[noparse][[/noparse] i ]) tv.str(string(13,10))
Got 2 rows of: 8196000000000000000 (15 zeros)
Guess I don't want that.
Post Edited (donde) : 12/13/2009 5:16:11 AM GMT
"byte 4,32,0,0" is the same as "byte $04,$20,$00,$00" which is the same as "word $2004,$0000" which is the same as "word 8196,0".
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 12/13/2009 6:40:34 AM GMT