Counting pulses over time.
I'm working on a weather reporting station using the prop at the remote as suggested by someone here on the forums and have a need to count switch closures for the rain gauge and the anemometer. I'm not sure what I should code for this. I need to have a cog monitor a pin and when the pin goes high (or low depending on the way I finally wire it) it sees that and I will increment a counter.
Also, does anyone have a recommensation for a 3v 12bit 2 or 4·(or 8) channel ADC?
Thanks all,
- Stephen
Also, does anyone have a recommensation for a 3v 12bit 2 or 4·(or 8) channel ADC?
Thanks all,
- Stephen
For the ADC, I recommend the Microchip MCP3204 (or MCP3208).
Post Edited (Sal Ammoniac) : 12/6/2009 6:53:35 PM GMT