Should I pull RESn high?
I keep getting a no propeller chip found on any serial port error.
The driver appears to be installed correctly since the propeller plug flashes blue when I use the F7 key to identify hardware.
Probing the board with a multimeter shows 3.3V in all the right places, but the RESn pin seems to be floating.
The manual says that the propeller boots on a low to high transition of RESn, so I suspect this might be the problem.
On the SX you have to pull MCLR up with a 5K -10K resistance.
Is this also true of RESn on the propeller?
This is a home made board so it is also possible that I did something wrong, but it is the second one that did the same thing so I am starting to wonder.
I wonder if this wire is hot...
The driver appears to be installed correctly since the propeller plug flashes blue when I use the F7 key to identify hardware.
Probing the board with a multimeter shows 3.3V in all the right places, but the RESn pin seems to be floating.
The manual says that the propeller boots on a low to high transition of RESn, so I suspect this might be the problem.
On the SX you have to pull MCLR up with a 5K -10K resistance.
Is this also true of RESn on the propeller?
This is a home made board so it is also possible that I did something wrong, but it is the second one that did the same thing so I am starting to wonder.
I wonder if this wire is hot...
There are other things that can also cause this. Can you post a photo of your board?
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