Building the propeller labs circuit without a 3.3 voltage regulator
So after about a week of hard core trial and error I have fianlly figured out what is wrong with my circuit (which is the one from the propeller labs manual). Turns out I must have bought the wrong 3.3v voltage regulator or something because that seems to be the only error in the entire circuit. So while I am waiting for a new one, is it possible for me to just use a resistor to take the 5.0v rails and convert it to run the chip?
Thank you!
So after about a week of hard core trial and error I have fianlly figured out what is wrong with my circuit (which is the one from the propeller labs manual). Turns out I must have bought the wrong 3.3v voltage regulator or something because that seems to be the only error in the entire circuit. So while I am waiting for a new one, is it possible for me to just use a resistor to take the 5.0v rails and convert it to run the chip?
Thank you!
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
What was so wrong with your regulator? If it was too low a current output for your load then possibly use an external transistor and feed the load from pre regulator.
Style and grace : Nil point
Does anyone know why? The 5.0volt regulator I am getting 5.0volts and all I am doing is switching out which voltage regulator I am testing.
PS - Leons diode idea works very well.
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Notice the schematic in figure 5. It shows you how to configure an adjustable regulator. Yours may be configurable the same way because your output voltage is suspiciously close to the output of the LM317 when the adjustment pin is directly connected to ground.
24 bit LCD Breakout Board coming soon. $21.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
But then again, it might be better to wait before hooking that up to the Prop because if its a dud it might damage the Prop. The fear of blowing something up unfortunately has never held me back though. I can't rest until I get it working...... or until it blows up, whichever comes first.
The 3 diode trick from 5V works fine.
Post Edited (Dr_Acula) : 11/28/2009 3:45:52 AM GMT
Regs will offer your Prop with a wholesome enviroment, right voltage - held steady, along with a degree of over-voltage and current protection. If the delay isn't too much I would wait for the right component. As Dr_A states, I usually power up the board, and measure, before precious silicon is placed in the way of danger. I have cheated with diodes as Leon says.
Style and grace : Nil point
Don't worry about the Prop... it is practically indestructible. I have burned up several ... but it requires real talent[noparse]:)[/noparse]
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Will it be a fry-up then?
That's one reason I left electronics while in high school and switched over to software (programming). You can write a lot of really bad code and still not fry the computer. Although I suppose bugs in SPIN could fry things if you get inputs and outputs crossed. Haven't run into that yet.