Weird EEPROM Bug
There is a problem with this program. What it does is it writes some values to the eeprom and reads one of the cells. It is a test program for my programmable dimmer project. The program does work but only ONCE! If you want it to work again you have to upload the program again to the propeller, removing the power does not even work. Is this a sign of some kind of write protection?
SOme of the code copies funny due to some of the characters being the same as html functions.
Post Edited (kt88seamp) : 11/28/2009 2:20:47 AM GMT
CON _xinfreq = 5_000_000 _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x OBJ BS2 : "BS2_Functions" SER : "FullDuplexSerial" PUB Main SER.Start(15, 14, 0, 9600) BS2.Start(22, 21) Program PUB Program | eepromAddress, functionCodeBuffer, functionDataBuffer, i, dimmerVal ' Initialization Code: dira[noparse][[/noparse]0..7] := 255 dimmerVal := 640000 setBrightness(dimmerVal) repeat eepromAddress := 32767 functionCodeBuffer := 0 functionDataBuffer[noparse][[/noparse]0] := 0 functionDataBuffer := 0 functionDataBuffer := 0 functionDataBuffer := 0 'Write a * to EEPROM to indicate start of storage bank: BS2.Write(eepromAddress, "*", 1) 'Recieve function code and write to EEPROM: repeat while SER.rx <> "*" 'A star needs to be recieved to keep garbage data from noise out of the buffer. functionCodeBuffer := ser.RX 'Recieve function code eepromAddress-- 'Next address BS2.Write(eepromAddress, functionCodeBuffer, 1) 'Write function code to eeprom. 'Recieve function data: if functionCodeBuffer < 2 'Do not write any data to the EEPROM when functions 0 and 1 are recieved. elseif functionCodeBuffer < 4 'Write 4 bytes to the EEPROM when function codes 2 and 3 are recieved. i := 0 repeat while i < 4 'Read function data from C# program repeat while SER.rx <> "*" 'A star needs to be recieved to keep garbage data from noise out of the buffer. eepromAddress-- 'Next address functionDataBuffer[i] := SER.rx 'Store each byte in buffer. BS2.Write(eepromAddress, functionDataBuffer[i], 1) ' Write function data bytes into eeprom. i++ 'Write a * to EEPROM to indicate start of storage bank: eepromAddress-- BS2.Write(eepromAddress, "*", 1) outa[noparse][[/noparse]0..7] := BS2.Read(32766, 1) [/i][/i]
SOme of the code copies funny due to some of the characters being the same as html functions.
Post Edited (kt88seamp) : 11/28/2009 2:20:47 AM GMT
I have never used BS2 but by looking at the code (though I am not a skilled spin-er) it seems you are overwriting the first eeprom address thus corrupting the code/program image. BS2.Write (from the comments) have a top-down addressing mode so 32767 is the first eeprom byte and 0 is the last.
You have to change the addressing or replace bs2.write with·bs2.write_codemem
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