Help with the BS2 Functions Library...........

I've been looking over the codes in the BS2 Functions Library
Such as
Now other then setting my pin & duration & adding the pause like waitcnt(clkfreq/4+cnt) is there any other configuring to do?
This one I'm just lost totally on. I don't see any command called update & the propeller tool don't show that as a command. I need this one explained. Thanks.
I'm going insaine. It's SOOOOOO much fun. lol
Such as
PUB COUNT (Pin, Duration) : Value {{ Counts rising-edge pulses on Pin for Duration in mS Maximum count is around 30MHz Example Code: x := BS2.count(5,100) ' Measure count for 100 mSec BS2.Debug_Dec(x) ' DEBUG value BS2.Debug_Char(13) ' CR }} dira[noparse][[/noparse]PIN]~ ' Set as input ctra := 0 ' Clear any value in ctrb ' set up counter, pos edge trigger ctra := (%01010 << 26 ) | (%001 << 23) | (0 << 9) | (PIN) frqa := 1 ' 1 count/trigger phsa := 0 ' Clear phase - holds accumulated count pause(duration) ' Allow to count for duration in mS Value := phsa ' Return total count ctra := 0 ' clear counter mode
Now other then setting my pin & duration & adding the pause like waitcnt(clkfreq/4+cnt) is there any other configuring to do?
PUB FREQOUT(Pin,Duration, Frequency) {{ Plays frequency defines on pin for duration in mS, does NOT support dual frequencies. BS2.Freqout(5,500,2500) ' Produces 2500Hz on Pin 5 for 500 mSec }} Update(Pin,Frequency,0) ' Set tone using FREQOUT_Set Pause(Duration) ' duration pause Update(Pin,0,0) ' stop tone
This one I'm just lost totally on. I don't see any command called update & the propeller tool don't show that as a command. I need this one explained. Thanks.
I'm going insaine. It's SOOOOOO much fun. lol
If you look a few lines down you will find the function (method)
··· Pub Update(pin, freq, ch)
It is not a SPIN function or command. It is a user made function (method) that is
part of the suite of methods in the BS2 object.....just scroll down a bit and you will see it.
>>Now other then setting my pin & duration & adding the pause like waitcnt(clkfreq/4+cnt) is there any other configuring to do?
You do not need to use the WaitCnt() to use the Count() method. If you look inside it carefully you will find a Pause() method
call. This actually is another method in the Object and it does the work of waiting as the method Count() requires.
Just make a call to the method and it won't return until it is do not need a waitcnt().
I'm going insaine. It's SOOOOOO much fun. lol