Prop Spin to ASM compare table
Hey guys I am trying to put together a table that would show the Prop Spin code on one side an the comparable Prop ASM code on the other, so you look at the Spin code say {dira} and the equivalent to the right ASM code I don't know what that is right now..
My question is does this already exist in any form?? If not where could I get the information to help me along I think it would be an easier way to learn ASM if I could see what the Spin code to ASM would be
My question is does this already exist in any form?? If not where could I get the information to help me along I think it would be an easier way to learn ASM if I could see what the Spin code to ASM would be
mov dira, #pattern
if pattern is a fixed number that fits in 9 bits. Or
mov dira, pattern
if pattern is held in a LONG. Similar for outa.
One could say that assignments (eg A :=
mov A, B
Or that operators (e.g A := B + C) look like:
mov A,B add A,C
Or that conditions ( eg if A =
cmp A,B wz if_nz jmp skip 'Do something here if A = B skip
Best thing is to get your head into the manual and study the PASM section. Try out the examples flashing LEDs and such.
For me, the past is not over yet.
In the beginning, "BS2 Functions" helped me to go from Basic Stamp to the Propeller, and some basic SPIN functions translated to PASM couldn't harm.
Heater did a good start and here is an idea of some more:
IF ina[noparse][[/noparse]0] or [noparse][[/noparse]0..7]
ctra[noparse][[/noparse]30..26] := %00100 'NCO mode
Also some BS2 functions that could be handy in PASM:
'' *** COMPILED WITH PropBasic VERSION 0.00.31 11/24/2009 *** CON 'DEVICE P8X32A, XTAL1, PLL16X _ClkMode = XTAL1 + PLL16X _XInFreq = 5000000 'FREQ 80_000_000 ' MyPin PIN 7 'MyPin PIN 7 ' DATPin PIN 8 'DATPin PIN 8 ' CLKPin PIN 9 'CLKPin PIN 9 ' temp VAR LONG 'temp VAR LONG PUB __Program 'PROGRAM Start CogNew(@__Init, @__DATASTART) DAT org 0 __Init mov dira,__InitDirA mov outa,__InitOutA jmp #Start Start 'Start: mov __temp1,MyPin ' RCTIME MyPin, 0, temp andn dira,__temp1 mov temp,#0 mov __temp2,cnt adds __temp2,#80 ' ClkFreq / 1_000_000 __L0001 adds temp,#1 waitcnt __temp2,#80 and __temp1,ina NR, WZ IF_Z jmp #__L0001 mov __temp1,MyPin ' RCTIME MyPin, 1, temp andn dira,__temp1 mov temp,#0 mov __temp2,cnt adds __temp2,#80 ' ClkFreq / 1_000_000 __L0002 adds temp,#1 waitcnt __temp2,#80 ' ClkFreq / 1_000_000 and __temp1,ina NR, WZ IF_NZ jmp #__L0002 mov __temp1,MyPin ' PULSIN MyPin, 0, temp andn dira,__temp1 mov temp,#0 waitpeq __temp1,__temp1 waitpne __temp1,__temp1 mov __temp2,cnt adds __temp2,#80 ' ClkFreq / 1_000_000 __L0003 adds temp,#1 waitcnt __temp2,#80 ' ClkFreq / 1_000_000 and __temp1,ina NR, WZ IF_Z jmp #__L0003 mov __temp1,MyPin ' PULSIN MyPin, 1, temp andn dira,__temp1 mov temp,#0 waitpne __temp1,__temp1 waitpeq __temp1,__temp1 mov __temp2,cnt adds __temp2,#80 ' ClkFreq / 1_000_000 __L0004 adds temp,#1 waitcnt __temp2,#80 ' ClkFreq / 1_000_000 and __temp1,ina NR, WZ IF_NZ jmp #__L0004 or dira,MyPin ' PULSOUT MyPin, temp xor outa,MyPin mov __temp2,cnt adds __temp2,#80 ' ClkFreq / 1_000_000 mov __temp3,temp __L0005 waitcnt __temp2,#80 ' ClkFreq / 1_000_000 djnz __temp3,#__L0005 xor outa,MyPin mov __temp1,DATPin ' SHIFTIN DATPin, CLKPin, MSBFIRST, temp andn dira,__temp1 mov __temp2,CLKPin or dira,__temp2 mov __temp3,#0 mov __temp4,#8 mov __temp5,cnt add __temp5,#511 __L0006 and __temp1,ina NR, WC rcl __temp3,#1 xor outa,__temp2 waitcnt __temp5,#511 xor outa,__temp2 waitcnt __temp5,#511 djnz __temp4,#__L0006 rev __temp3,#8 mov temp,__temp3 mov __temp1,DATPin ' SHIFTOUT DATPin, CLKPin, MSBPOST, temp or dira,__temp1 mov __temp2,CLKPin or dira,__temp2 mov __temp3,temp mov __temp4,#8 mov __temp5,cnt add __temp5,#511 __L0007 shr __temp3,#1 WC muxc outa,__temp1 waitcnt __temp5,#511 xor outa,__temp2 waitcnt __temp5,#511 xor outa,__temp2 waitcnt __temp5,#511 djnz __temp4,#__L0007 mov __temp1,MyPin ' SERIN MyPin, T115200, temp andn dira,__temp1 __L0008 and __temp1,ina WZ, NR IF_Z jmp #__L0008 __L0009 and __temp1,ina WZ, NR IF_NZ jmp #__L0009 mov __temp4,_bitDelay shr __temp4,#1 add __temp4,cnt add __temp4,_bitDelay waitcnt __temp4,_bitDelay mov __temp3,#8 mov __temp2,#0 __L0010 and __temp1,ina WZ, NR IF_Z andn __temp2,#256 IF_NZ or __temp2,#256 waitcnt __temp4,_bitDelay shr __temp2,#1 djnz __temp3,#__L0010 mov temp,__temp2 mov __temp1,MyPin ' SEROUT MyPin, T115200, temp mov __temp2,temp or __temp2,#256 shl __temp2,#1 mov __temp3,#10 mov __temp4,_bitDelay add __temp4,cnt or dira,__temp1 __L0011 shr __temp2,#1 WC muxc outa,__temp1 waitcnt __temp4,_bitDelay djnz __temp3,#__L0011 jmp #$ 'END '********************************************************************** __InitDirA LONG %00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000 __InitOutA LONG %00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000 MyPin LONG 1 << 7 DATPin LONG 1 << 8 CLKPin LONG 1 << 9 _bitDelay LONG 694 ' ClkFreq / Baudrate __remainder RES 1 __temp1 RES 1 __temp2 RES 1 __temp3 RES 1 __temp4 RES 1 __temp5 RES 1 __param1 RES 1 __param2 RES 1 __param3 RES 1 __param4 RES 1 __paramcnt RES 1 temp RES 1 FIT 492 CON LSBFIRST = 0 MSBFIRST = 1 MSBPRE = 0 LSBPRE = 1 MSBPOST = 2 LSBPOST = 3 DAT __DATASTART
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Does that byte of memory hold "A", 65, $41 or %01000001 ?
Yes it does...
one way to do REPEAT x FROM 0 TO 10
mov count,loops 'count := loops mov x,#0 'count := 0 :loop 'Put some code here 'Will do this code 100 times 'some more code here add x,#1 'x := x + 1 djnz count,#:loop 'count:=count - 1, if count <> 0 jump to :loop count long 0 loops long 100 x long 0
Post Edited (Graham Stabler) : 12/7/2009 4:39:55 PM GMT
mov time,cnt 'time := cnt add time,delay 'time := time + delay waitcnt time,delay 'waitcnt(time), time := time + delay ' you can leave the second argument as #0 ' or use it as a fast way to create a ' second delay target
Setting CTRA
or ctra,mode 'sets bits high in mode to be high in CTRA long mode %00100 << 26 ' this is done before it is loaded into propeller so uses some spin
,,,, Thanks again guys I am going to use your examples and start my conversion table I understand now there will not always be a code to code conversion so I think I will use examples when I have to showing Spin code to comparable ASM code
If anyone wants to continue to join in I will post the completed list here when its more complete and maybe people would liek to add to it. Thanks again ,, Happy holidays to everyone have a safe and happy thanksgiving
Still, you have a valid point, a bunch of PASM examples demonstrating common programming constructs could be useful to many. Loops, conditionals, etc.
Some one please put up an example of the tricky one in PASM, array indexing !
For me, the past is not over yet.
mov index_,#0 ' These two lines not required for example but may be required if you loop this mov elements_,#10 mov index_,#lookup_ ' Put address of the lookup table in the index ' this is the address of the first element :loop movs :inline,index_ ' Move the address into the place holder (0-0) of add command at label :inline nop ' You need a command (any) between the movs and :inline to give it time to modify the code :inline add total,0-0 ' Add contents of array element to total add index_,#1 ' Increment index djnz elements_,#:loop ' Decrement elements_ and jump to :loop if still not zero lookup_ long 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 total_ long 0 index_ long 0 elements_ long 10
Post Edited (Graham Stabler) : 11/26/2009 9:18:12 AM GMT
I think you loop is adding the #lookup_ offset each time through the loop. I think the :loop label should be on the next line down.
Also, you need an instruction between the "movs" and the instruction that it is affecting. This is a cache issue.
[noparse][[/noparse]Edit] Graham has fixed the above code. Looks good Graham.
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Does that byte of memory hold "A", 65, $41 or %01000001 ?
Yes it does...
Post Edited (Bean (Hitt Consulting)) : 11/26/2009 2:50:55 PM GMT
You for sure need an instruction after the movs.
Could probably move the "add index_,#1 " into that position instead of using a NOP.
For me, the past is not over yet.
Post Edited (heater) : 11/25/2009 7:10:15 PM GMT
I'm annoyed I did not check it more carefully, in some code I'm working on right now I'm reading from a hub array and writing to a cog array, that really was confusing but it worked first time! Well second [noparse];)[/noparse]
I do think step-by-step documented (spin-style was nice!) templates is a good kickstart into the PASM world.