BST for linux versions
I am running into some problems that I can not seem to resolve. My test machine is an ACER Aspire 5000 64 bit laptop, and I have tried the latest versions of Ubuntu 9.10, openSUSE 11.2, and Fedora 12.
The Ubuntu version, I got it to load on the machine, but when I try to reboot, grub keeps telling me that it can not find some kind of file. So, I could not test BST on that setup, never got Ubuntu to start up.
openSUSE 11.2 loads up, and starts fine. BST starts up fine, the problem is that it can not find the port. I checked to make sure I had a /dev/ttyUSB0, which it did, it even showed that it found the USB that the propeller was on. BST did not have any success in finding the port, even after I tried a manual find.
Fedora 12.0 had the same occurrence, everything is there, but BST can not find the port. I do not know what else to try, I do not have the slightest clue as to what to do next. I also made sure that the privileges for BST were set to read/write, and execute.
Anybody have a clue as to what the problem might be?
The Ubuntu version, I got it to load on the machine, but when I try to reboot, grub keeps telling me that it can not find some kind of file. So, I could not test BST on that setup, never got Ubuntu to start up.
openSUSE 11.2 loads up, and starts fine. BST starts up fine, the problem is that it can not find the port. I checked to make sure I had a /dev/ttyUSB0, which it did, it even showed that it found the USB that the propeller was on. BST did not have any success in finding the port, even after I tried a manual find.
Fedora 12.0 had the same occurrence, everything is there, but BST can not find the port. I do not know what else to try, I do not have the slightest clue as to what to do next. I also made sure that the privileges for BST were set to read/write, and execute.
Anybody have a clue as to what the problem might be?
You should put your user in the USB group, with the configuration tool (GUI) or the command line.
You can test this from the command line with something along the lines of
brad@bklaptop2:~$ echo fred > /dev/ttyUSB0
bash: /dev/ttyUSB0: Permission denied
If you don't get the permission denied message, then we'll need to look a little deeper. I know Ubuntu sets up your users permissions correctly from base install, but I can't vouch for the other distributions. On Ubuntu & Debian your user needs to be part of the "dialout" group.
If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got.
I just had to completely reinstall XP to get rid of an incorrectly configured USB driver supplied with the RAISONANCE STM32 development kit after two hours of following their instructions carefully.
Anecdote, anecdote....
For me, the past is not over yet.
Add your user to the group indicated by the file.
What is the line that comes out when you used the command "ls ttyUSB* -l"?
Visit some of my articles at Propeller Wiki:
MATH on the propeller
OMU for the pPropQL/020
For safety reasons use "dialout" and not "root".
Not to tell you how to suck eggs, but I did suggest you add yourself to the dialout group in my first post.
Glad you got it working.
<edit> Oh, don't install Ubuntu 9.10 if you want to use any ftdi usb->serial converter. They are shipping a buggy kernel and it won't talk to your devices.
If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got.
Post Edited (BradC) : 11/21/2009 12:35:26 AM GMT