Demo Board - Video - Clock - Low Power
The goal is to run the Demo Board for minimum power draw using the internal slow RC Clock/Oscillator circuit, and at the same time, run FemtoBasic and view the composite video on TV input.
There are two questions. 1) will the video continue to work? 2) What is the code to do this?
I think the following code is correct. It there any other syntax to add or change?
There are two questions. 1) will the video continue to work? 2) What is the code to do this?
I think the following code is correct. It there any other syntax to add or change?
'' bit 0 selects NTSC or PAL format
'' 0: NTSC
'' 3016 horizontal display ticks
'' 243 or 486 (interlaced) vertical display lines
'' CLKFREQ must be at least 14_318_180 (4 * 3_579_545 Hz)*
'' 1: PAL
'' 3692 horizontal display ticks
'' 286 or 572 (interlaced) vertical display lines
'' CLKFREQ must be at least 17_734_472 (4 * 4_433_618 Hz)*
Post Edited (humanoido) : 11/20/2009 3:07:35 PM GMT
I'd expect that the best you can get for low speed is black'n'white graphics (128x64) - of course without animation ;o). High res or high color will work, but will be no fun.
If you only want to display text, then get a display with up to 40x4 characters. Before I started with a high res high color display driver, I worked on a driver for such kind of displays. In the end it should be possible to let the driver do automatic scrolling of single lines. This way even 16x2 displays could show plenty of information. As it's written in PASM the low clock-frequency should not be a problem.